
Gerunds and infinitives C1

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  • There will be plenty of time to have something ____________ (eat) at the airport.
    to eat
  • I was really stupid _____________ (follow) my mother's advice. She was totally wrong.
    to follow / to have followed
  • If I had a serious illness, I'd prefer ______________ (tell) the truth by my doctor.
    to be told
  • Who was the second man _________________ (walk) on the moon?
    to walk
  • It's no use _________________ (run). The check-in will have closed by now.
  • By the time I'm 55, I expect _________________ (save) enough to be able to just work part-time.
    to have saved
  • It's no good ____________ (phone) him because he's bound to have switched it off.
  • I'd love ________________ (be) there when you told him you were leaving.
    to have been
  • The man denied ____________ (commit) the crime.
    committing / having committed
  • Mark seems _______________ (work) too hard at the moment. He looks very tired.
    to be working