
Ch 9 Climate and Climate Regions

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  • As latitude increases, temperature _______
  • Humid continental and subarctic are part of what climate region?
    Temperate continental
  • Which zone receives the most direct sunlight?
    Tropical zone
  • Which side of a mountain is upwind and has a great amount of vegetation?
  • What zone is 66.5 degrees to 90 degrees north and south?
    polar zone
  • The sun's rays are least direct in what zone?
    polar zone
  • Cold climate found at the top of mountains
  • What word can be used to describe marine climates (specifically temperature)
    mild or moderate
  • Sea and land breezes over a large area that change direction with the seasons are called?
  • tropical wet and dry grassland
  • Which side of a mountain range is in a rain shadow?
  • A warm current brings what kind of climate
    warm with a lot of moisture
  • Where can you find a tropical wet climate in the US?
  • Climates are classified according to what 2 factors?
    temperature and precipitation
  • The Great Plains on the east side of the Rocky Mts. has what type of climate?
    Steppe or Prairie
  • Temperate continental climate with short cool summers and bitterly cold winters.
  • What region of the US is humid subtropical?
  • Name the four factors that affect temperature
    altitude, latitude, distance from large bodies of water, and ocean currents
  • Name the 3 factors that affect precipitation
    prevailing winds, mountain ranges, and seasonal winds
  • As altitude increases, temperature _______
  • What zone is 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south?
    tropical zone
  • A cold current brings what kind of climate?
    cool and dry
  • What kind of climate will you have if you live far from the ocean?
    continental climate
  • The scientist Koppen included what factor to determine a climate region?
  • Which climate can only be found in the northern hemisphere?
    Taiga or subarctic
  • Humid Subtropical, marine west coast, and mediterranean are part of what climate region?
    temperate marine
  • Region that receives less than 25 cm of rain in a year?
  • In the winter, monsoon winds blow from the _____ to the ______ and bring ____ precipitation.
    land, ocean, little to no
  • Permafrost, mosses, lichens, and wildflowers can be found in what climate region?
  • What zone is 23.5 degrees to 66.5 degrees both north and south?
    temperate zone
  • What kind of trees are found in the taiga Subarctic)?
    Coniferous trees
  • Continental climate temperatures are
  • In the summer, monsoon winds blow from the ____ to the _____ bringing ______ precipitation.
    ocean, land, heavy
  • Tundras and ice caps are part of what climate region?
  • A climate is considered dry in the amount of precipitation that falls is less than..
    the amount of water that could potentially evaporate