
GG3 Lesson 1.2

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  • Correct a mistake in the sentence. The friends is making decorations.
    are making
  • Is she doing homework?
    No, she isn't. She's looking after her younger sister.
  • What is the girl doing in the picture?
    She is setting the table.
  • Is she cooking a meal?
    No, she isn't. She's watering the plants.
  • Complete the sentence. I’ve got tennis _______ in the afternoon.
  • Is he loading the dishwasher?
    No, he isn't. He's washing the dishes on his own.
  • What are they in English? Small jobs we do in the house
    household chores
  • Make the question. calling you school from are? (Yes) Then give a short answer .
    Are you calling from school? Yes, I am.
  • Make the question. and you are the shopping doing Katy? Then give a short answer ✓
    Are you and Kate doing the shopping? Yes, we are.
  • Complete the sentence. My grandparents ________ TV. That’s a radio!
    aren't watching
  • Complete the sentence. I _________ my homework. It’s Friday evening!
    I'm not doing
  • Is she making the bed?
    Yes, she is.
  • Correct a mistake in the sentence. I hate iron.
    I hate ironing.
  • What are they doing in the picture?
    They're loading the washing machine.
  • What's missing? Hold ______.
  • Correct a mistake in the sentence. I like tidy my room.
    I like tidying my room.
  • Complete the sentence. Jane and Dave ________ breakfast. It’s lunch time!
    aren't having
  • What are they doing in the picture?
    They're hanging out the washing.
  • Correct a mistake in the sentence. My dad are feeding our dog.
    is feeding
  • What is the woman doing in the picture?
    She's vacuuming the room.
  • Complete the sentence. I can’t finish them on my _____. It’s a lot of work.
  • Correct a mistake in the sentence. We am doing our chores.
    We are
  • Make the question. having Greg a chocolate cup of hot is? (No) Then give a short answer .
    Is Greg having a cup of hot chocolate? No, he isn't.
  • What is the boy doing in the picture?
    He is taking out the rubbish.
  • Complete the question. What’s ______?
  • Complete the sentence. Grandma ________ the dishwasher. That’s a washing machine!
    isn't loading