
Passive Voice- present and past

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  • They water the plants in the garden.
    The plants in the garden are watered.
  • Tom repaired the car.
    The car was repaired by Tom.
  • They make furniture in that factory.
    Furniture is made in that factory.
  • They wash the clothes every week.
    The clothes are washed every week.
  • Somebody fixed the computer.
    The computer was fixed.
  • The teacher corrected the mistakes.
    The mistakes were corrected by the teacher.
  • In my village, they don’t build flats.
    In my village, flats aren’t built.
  • They open the door with a key.
    The door is opened with a key.
  • Somebody stole my wallet.
    My wallet was stolen.
  • Someone usually makes toast before breakfast.
    Toast is usually made before breakfast.