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  • Name the 4 steps to Safeguarding.
    Check. Trained. Hear. Report.
  • What is the basic layer of Maslow's Hierachy of Need?
    Physiological air water shelter warmth.
  • What is safeguarding?
    Ensuring that people are safe and protected from neglect
  • What does DBS stand for?
    Disclosure and Barring Service
  • Identify 2 Policies connected with Safeguarding.
    Children Act 1989 Working together to safeguard children (2015).
  • Whose responsibility is Safeguarding?
  • Name a strategy for keeping children safe online?
    Rules-Boundaries-Talk to the child-Control-Policy.
  • How many levels are there in the Threshold of Need? What are the levels?
    4 Levels.1 No need-school intervention 2 Early Help. 3. Complex. 4.Acute.
  • Important Guidance for Schools. What is the name of this document?
    Keeping children safe in education.Part one.
  • What is GDPR.?
    General Data Protection Regulations.