
Directions and Shopping Review

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  • How would you like to __________?
    How would you like to PAY FOR THIS?
  • Where is the library?
    It is next to the fish shop.
  • A: May I help you? B: ________________.
    B: I'm just looking.
  • Do you have one in a ________ ________?
    Do you have one in a DIFFERENT COLOR?
  • This _______ would look _____ on you.
    This SWEATER would look GOOD on you.
  • What do you call them?
  • Do you have one less _______?
    Do you have one less EXPENSIVE?
  • Give direction.
    Go straight.
  • Where is the street vendor?
    He is ACROSS FROM the skyscraper/ newsstand.
  • What do you call this?
    a pair of jeans
  • What do you call this?
    fire hydrant