
Possessive adjective or Personal pronoun ?

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  • She is from Australian but _____ parents are British.
    She is from Australian but her parents are British.
  • My family and I love animals! ITS / OUR dogs are dobbermans.
    My family and I love animals! Our dogs are dobbermans.
  • SHE / HER is my cousin. SHE / HER birthday is in May.
    She is my cousin. Her birthday is in May.
  • _____ is my nephew. His name is Pablo.
    He is my nephew. His name is Pablo.
  • I don't like this book. IT /ITS images are all black and white.
    I don't like this book. Its images are all black and white.
  • ____ loves movies. His favorite one is The Avengers: End Game.
    He loves movies. His favorite one is The Avengers: End Game.
  • We are English students. _____ classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
    We are English students. Our classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
  • I have a new computer. _____ screen is very big.
    I have a new computer. Its screen is very big.
  • I'm a lawyer. I love ____ job!!
    I'm a lawyer. I love my job!!
  • Is she Paula? What's _____ nationality?
    Is she Paula? What's her nationality?
  • My cat's name is Beto. MY / ITS fur is orange and white.
    My cat's name is Beto. Its fur is orange and white.
  • WE / OUR are the Vizzenti family. WE / OUR grandparents are Italian.
    We are the the Vizzenti family. Our grandparents are Italian.
  • They have three daughters. ______ names are Juana, Mariana and Teresa.
    They have three daughters. Their names are Juana, Mariana and Teresa.