
משניות סוכה פרק א

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  • (ו) What is the size of the boards that there is a מחלוקת about?
    3-4 טפחים. [Less than 3, everyone agrees is Kosher, 4 or more is פסול]
  • (ז) What is the case of תִּקְרָה שֶׁאֵין עָלֶיהָ מַעֲזִיבָה?
    A roof with 3 טפח boards that you did not put plaster on yet
  • (ה) May one use bundles of straw/wood/reeds as סכך? Why?
    No. Someone might use bundles that he did not put up as shade/סכך (rather for drying or some other reason)
  • (ב) What does the משנה say about a סֻכָּה made under a tree?
    It's as if you made it in a house (and is פסול)
  • (ב) What is a סֻכָּה עַל גַּבֵּי סֻכָּה?
    A Sukkah on top of another Sukkah (a double-decker Sukkah)
  • (א) In what case does everyone agree that a סֻכָּה יְשָׁנָה is כָּשֵׁר?
    If it was made for סוכות (at any time during the year) or it was made within 30 days of סוכות (we assume it was made for סוכות)
  • (ו) What can be the problem with using boards for סכך?
    Since the boards look like roof boards, someone may use his house as his Sukkah!
  • (ג) WTD: Spread out a sheet on top of the סֻכָּה to block the sun?
  • (א) WTD: סֻכָּה taller than 20 אַמּוֹת?
    מחלוקת: ת"ק-פסול ר' יהודה-כשר
  • (א) How much sun & shade must there be?
    More shade than sun
  • (ז) How does one fix the case of תִּקְרָה שֶׁאֵין עָלֶיהָ מַעֲזִיבָה?
    ר' יהודה: It's a Machlokes- Beis Shammai says you must do נאמ"ב; Beis Hillel-either מפקפק or נאמ"ב. Rebbe Meyer says that everyone agrees you need נאמ"ב
  • (ז) What are the problems with using the roof of תִּקְרָה שֶׁאֵין עָלֶיהָ מַעֲזִיבָה for a סוכה?
    It was put there as a roof, not for סכך (& also the boards maybe too large and be פסול)
  • (ה) How can you fix the bundles to be used as סכך?
    untie them
  • (ה) What materials can be used for walls of a סכה?
  • (ד) What are the conditions needed for סכך to be כשר?
    1) grows from ground 2) is not able to become טמא
  • (יא) WTD: A סוכה made like a tepee?
    מחלוקת: רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר-פסול, חֲכָמִים-כשר
  • (ב) WTD: סֻכָּה עַל גַּבֵּי סֻכָּה?
    מחלוקת: תַּנָּא קַמָּא-פסול, רַבִּי יְהוּדָה-כשר
  • (ד) Are attached vines כשר/פסול to be used for סכך?
  • (י) What are the 3 סוכות of our משנה where we say דופן עקומה to make it כשר?
    1) roof of house fell in and filled with Schach, 2) courtyard with porch, 3) Large Sukkah with Pasul Schach surrounding Kosher Schach
  • (יא) WTD: A large מַחְצֶלֶת that you do not know what it was made for? Explain
    מחלוקת: רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר-פסול, חֲכָמִים:-כשר. They disagree what large mats are usually made for - shade or lying on.
  • (ח) If there are שפודין or ארוכות המטה on a סוכה, how can he make it כשר?
    If there is equal or more space between them, fill that space with סכך כשר
  • (ב) In which case of סֻכָּה עַל גַּבֵּי סֻכָּה is there a מַחֲלוֹקֶת?
    The סכך of the bottom סוכה can barely support pillows & blankets of the top סוכה,
  • (ח) What are שפודים? Why are they פסול for סכך?
    Metal spits. Didn't grow from the ground
  • (א) WTD: סֻכָּה יְשָׁנָה?
    מחלוקת: בית הלל-כשר, בית שמאי-פסול
  • (יא) WTD: מַחְצֶלֶת (reed mat) that is made for lying on? Does the size matter?
    פסול because it's מקבל טומאה - doesn't matter what size
  • (י) What is דופן עקומה? How far can you say it?
    look at the סכך פסול as if it is part of the bent wall. Until 4 אמות
  • (ו) If one puts a 4 טפחים board next to the 3rd wall of a סכה, what is the דין? Why?
    כשר. We say דופן עקומה - look at the סכך as if it is part of the bent wall.
  • (ו) WTD: Using wooden boards for סכך?
    מחלוקת: רַבִּי יְהוּדָה-כשר רַבִּי מֵאִיר:-פסול
  • (ג) WTD: Spread out a sheet under the סכך to catch falling leaves?
  • (ג) Can you spread out a sheet on top of the posts of a bed in a סֻכָּה and sleep under it?
    Depends: If it's a 4 posted bed then you may not sleep under the sheet. Under 2 posted bed, it is כשר underneath.
  • (יא) WTD: מַחְצֶלֶת that is made to be used as סכך? Does the size matter?
    כשר - doesn't matter what size
  • (א) What is the minimum number of walls that a סֻכָּה must have?
  • (ח) What are ארוכות המטה? Why are they פסול for סכך?
    Bed boards. מקבל טומאה
  • (ח) WTD: Hollows out a haystack for a סוכה? Why?
    פסול. תעשה ולא מן העשוי
  • (א) What is a סֻכָּה יְשָׁנָה? What is the possible problem with it?
    An old סוכה. It was not made for סוכות
  • (ט) WTD: 3 טפחים of airspace between the סכך and 3rd wall of the סוכה?
    פסול, it's a problem because you can no longer say לבוד
  • (ט) WTD: 10 טפחים high walls that are 3 טפחים off the ground?
    מחלוקת: תַּנָּא קַמָּא-פסול, רַבִּי יוסי:-כשר
  • (א) WTD: סֻכָּה shorter than 10 טְפָחִים?
  • (ד) If he put attached vines on his סכה, how can he still make it כשר?
    Either: put more סכך כשר than פסול, or cut the vines and then lift them up and put them back on
  • (ט) WTD: 10 טפחים high walls that end far below the סכך? Why?
    כשר. We say גוד אסיק - stretch the walls up to the סכך
  • (יא) WTD: A small מַחְצֶלֶת that you do not know what it was made for? Why?
    פסול, it is made for lying on and is מקבל טומאה
  • (ו) May one sleep/eat under the part of סכך פסול that we allow because of דופן עקומה? Why?
    No. It's considered wall, not סכך