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  • These exercises are designed to strengthen your CORE (ANATOMY).
    the muscles around your pelvis, hips, and abdomen that you use in most body movements
  • They have decided to PUSH AHEAD WITH the legal action/ (FINANCE) The shares PUSHED AHEAD 7p to 111.5p.
    Continue w an activity in a determined o enthusiastic way, esp when it is difficult o makes u feel tired/ Increase in value or price
  • The business has an annual TURNOVER of £50,000/ The large number of temporary contracts resulted in a high TURNOVER of staff.
    the amount of business that a company does in a period of time/ The rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new people
  • Mike OPTED FOR early retirement. Most people OPT to have the operation.
    Make a choice,esp f one thing o possibility instead f others
  • a woman of great CHARM, It's a town with a lot of old-world CHARM/ He keeps a rabbit's paw as a lucky/good luck CHARM
    A quality that makes u like or feel attracted to SB or ST/ An object or saying that is thought to have magical powers, such as the ability to bring good luck
  • Cyril's most impressive quality was his INNATE goodness=> Power is INNATELY seductive.
    An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned
  • Gender issues have become something of a HOT BUTTON. Immigration has become a HOT BUTTON issue. (US, IFML)
    a subject that is important to people and about which they have strong opinions
  • Exposure to radiation can lead to MALFORMATION of the embryo. She was born critically ill with a severe MALFORMATION of the heart=> There are genetic defects which can cause MALFORMED teeth.
    the condition f bein wrongly formed, o a part f ST, suchas part f the body, tht is wrongly formed=> Wrongly formed (PARTS F BODY)
  • Beijing's largest daily newspaper is PART-OWNED BY a South African company. The company also benefited from the sale of four PART-OWNED and one wholly-owned hotel, adding £1.8m to the bottom line. (PROPERTY, FINANCE)
    Used to describe a company that has other owners or whose shares are owned by another company
  • The CINEMATOGRAPHY is what makes this film as wonderful as it really is=> He is an Oscar-winning CINEMATOGRAPHER.
    the art and methods of using cameras in making a movie
  • The police have finally APPREHENDED the killer (FML)=> Both the army and the police were involved in the APPREHENSION OF the terrorists.
    catch & arrest SB who has nt obeyed the law=> An act of catching and arresting SB who has not obeyed the law
  • We had to sign a WAIVER, giving up any rights to the land in the future, The company recovered $12 million of its start-up costs from a WAIVER of state income taxes.
    An agreement that u do not have to pay or obey ST
  • It's very easy to YIELD TO temptation and spend too much money. "We will not YIELD TO pressure," said the president.
    to agree to do something that you do not want to do or should not do
  • He's a Conservative TO THE CORE/ I was shocked TO THE CORE
    in every way/ To an extreme degree
  • We all agreed that winning was not the BE-ALL AND END-ALL. It was the period when everyone saw men in space as the BE-ALL AND END-ALL of space exploration.
    the most important thing
  • He was HUMBLED by the child's generosity. The world champion was HUMBLED (unexpectedly defeated) by an unknown outsider in last night's race.
    make someone understand that they are not as important or special as they thought
  • Her scar healed, but the REDNESS remained for a long time. Severe peanut reactions can include REDNESS and swelling of the face.
    the quality of being red in colour; used especially about skin that is sore or unhealthy
  • Employees can choose to OPT OUT OF the pension scheme=> Since the OPT-OUT, the hospital has been responsible for its own budgeting.
    Choose nt t b part f an activity o t stop bein involved in it=> A situation in which some members f a group choose nt t join o b involved in an activity
  • The final status negotiations would focus on the CORE ISSUES of the peace process (Core Value, Belief, Issue, Etc)
    a value, belief, etc. that is basic and more important than any other
  • In recent decades, heavy nylon and other EASY-CARE synthetics have become common, although these may degrade with prolonged sun-exposure.
    Easy-care clothes do not need special treatment when they are washed.
  • The use of pesticides is KILLING OFF birds and fish. Lack of funding is KILLING OFF small theatres.
    destroy something completely, usually over a period of time
  • Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character TRAIT.
    A particular characteristic tht cn produce a particular type f behavior/ A trait is also a characteristic f an organism tht is passed fm parent t child (BIOLOGY
    a long, narrow open hole that is dug into the ground, usu at the side of a road or field, used esp for supplying or removing water or for dividing land
  • Economic FORECASTS, The weather FORECAST said it was going to rain later today=> Snow has been FORECAST FOR tonight. Oil prices are FORECAST to increase by less than two percent this year.
    A statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, esp in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions=> say what you..
  • All the orders were given BY WORD OF MOUTH so that no written evidence could be discovered later.
    in speech but not in writing
  • Tickets are numbered CONSECUTIVELY. He got 18 months for each offence to run CONSECUTIVELY - three years in all.
    (of events, numbers, etc.) one after another without an interruption
  • We plan to TABULATE the findings of our survey=> the TABULATION of data=> This sort of information is best presented in TABULAR form.
    Arrange facts, numbers, or other information in the form of a table=> Arranged in rows and columns, in the form of a table (FOMRAL)
  • I'm afraid it's been delayed YET AGAIN.
    If something happens yet again, it has already happened many times before
  • The bank manager WAIVED the charge (= said we didn't have to pay), as we were old and valued customers, He persuaded the delegates to WAIVE (= give up) their objections/ WAIVE a claim/fee/right: The bank WAIVED the overdraft fee.(FORMAL)
    Not demand ST U have a right to, or not cause a rule to be obeyed/ Decide that u won't ask for ST although u've a right to do so, or that a rule will be ignored
  • Let's just have a QUICKIE. A QUICKIE divorce
    something done or had quickly, especially sex or an alcoholic drink (IFML)
  • Two of her ribs FRACTURED when she was thrown from her horse/ Intense disagreement over economic policy risks FRACTURING the coalition government (FML)=> He suffered/sustained multiple FRACTURES in a motorcycle accident.
    If ST hard, suchas a bone, fractures,o is fractured, it breaks o cracks/ Divide an org o society, o (f an org o society)t b divided=>A break or crack in ST hard
  • A full APPREHENSION OF all that is involved is utterly beyond us=> The phrase is quite devoid of APPREHENSIBLE meaning.
    The act f understandin ST,o the way tht ST is understood (FML)=> Able to be understood or noticed (FML)
  • The thief DITCHED Maxine’s purse in a trash can but kept the money, It’s time to DITCH this old, torn sweater. (IFML)
    Get rid of ST or SB that is no longer wanted/ Land an aircraft in water in an emergency (AIRCRAFT)
  • They are well accustomed to KEEPING A WEATHER EYE ON currency movements. Your weight can be a strong indicator of your general health, so it's important to KEEP A WEATHER EYE ON it.
    watch a particular situation closely to see what happens
  • One or 2 people have expressed APPREHENSION ABOUT the changes=> I'm very APPREHENSIVE ABOUT tomorrow's meeting
    Worry abt the future,o a fear tht ST unpleasant is goin t happen=>  Feelin worried abt ST tht u r goin t do o tht is goin t happen
  • The authorities have REVOKED their original decision to allow development of this rural area=> The complaint against the bar could lead to REVOCATION of its licence. They were working to reduce probation and parole REVOCATIONS for offenders
    Say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect (FORMAL)
  • the EVER-PRESENT danger of a terrorist attack
    used to describe something that is always there
  • These kids get HATED ON for no good reason at all. (IFML)
    criticize someone or say bad things about them, in an unpleasant and public way
  • The children GRAPPLED FOR the ball/ He briefly GRAPPLED WITH the police officer.
    Fight, esp in order t win ST/ Hold SB while fighting w him or her
  • Walking home in the snow, we got CHILLED TO THE BONE
    extremely cold
  • It is not as if it were a cranky scheme thought up by a lot of ultra-modern doctrinaire EGGHEADS.
    a person, especially a man, who is very clever and interested only in studying and other mental activities
  • The bear that had ELUDED capture for so long was caught at last/ It was simply her misfortune that an Olympic medal ELUDED her in 1988.
    Avoid SB orr ST/ If ST eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it (FORMAL)
  • I'm not short-tempered, but I do get annoyed if friends BACKBITE me.
    say unpleasant and unkind things about someone who is not there
  • It's PECULIAR that they didn't tell us they were going away/ This type of building is PECULIAR TO the south of the country.
    Unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way/ Belonging to, relating to, or found in only particular people o things
  • Building societies are mutually owned, and benefits ACCRUE TO members rather than shareholders. The school district is being criticized for allowing $74 million in vacation pay to ACCRUE TO school administrators and other nonteachers.
    if a payment or an advantage accrues to you, you receive it or have the right to receive it
  • Chris KILLS IT on drums.
    do something extremely well (IFML)
  • There are no DEFINITIVE answers/solutions to this problem. The police have no DEFINITIVE proof of her guilt/ He's written the DEFINITIVE guide to Thailand/ There is no DEFINITIVE scientific evidence that coffee is harmful.
    Not able to be changed or improved/ Considered to be the best of its type/ Firm, final, and complete; not to be questioned or changed
  • Britons spend more than £3 billion a year on PRE-PACKED sandwiches/ Banks offer a number of PRE-PACKAGED borrowing schemes.
    already wrapped or in a container/ Offered as a standard set of products or services without making changes for particular customers (MARKETING)
  • He didn’t ALLOW enough time to finish the test. Be sure to ALLOW room in your bags for the souvenirs you’ll want to bring home/ (FORMAL) She ALLOWED that she might have been too suspicious=> Our well water has nitrates above the ALLOWABLE l
    Make it possible for ST to be done or to happen/ Admit or agree that something is true (FORMAL)
  • The truck came HURTLING towards us. The explosion sent pieces of metal and glass HURTLING through the air.
    move very fast, especially in a way that seems dangerous
  • When you're dancing, you don't want to wear anything that CONSTRICTS your movements. The drug causes the blood vessels to CONSTRICT/ Too many rules had CONSTRICTED her lifestyle.=> CONSTRICTION
    Become tighter & narrower, or to make ST become tighter & narrower/ Limit an action or behaviour
  • She's a woman of mixed/French DSCENT/ We weren't prepared for the DESCENT OF thousands of journalists on the town.
    The state o fact f bein related t a particular person o group f ppl who lived in the past/An occasion when a group f ppl arrive somewhere, usu suddenly o unexpe
  • "How did your sister's boyfriend get on with your mum?" "Oh, he CHARMED THE PANTS OFF HER."
    to make someone like you very much, especially when that person meets you for the first time (SAYING)
  • Strict VEGANISM prohibits the use of all animal products, not just food, and is a lifestyle choice rather than a diet.
    the practice of not eating or using any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather
  • I think bullfighting should be ABOLISHED. National Service was ABOLISHED in the UK in 1962=> He fought for ABOLITION of the death penalty in Britain. The ABOLITION of slavery
    End an activity or custom officially
  • Passing a written test is a PREREQUISITE FOR taking the advanced course. Public support is a prerequisite for/to the success of this project. They had to agree to certain conditions as a PREREQUISITE OF being lent the money. (FML)
    something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen
  • They are cutting back production of some of their CORE products/ Pilates is good for strengthening the CORE muscles (ANATOMY)
    most important o most basic/ Found in the main part of the body, but not the arms or the legs
  • The institute will INVEST five million IN the project. He's not certain whether to INVEST IN the property market. You have all INVESTED significant amounts of time and energy IN making this project the success that it is.
    Put money, effort, time, etc. into ST to make a profit or get an advantage
  • This is a film that will CHILL you TO THE MARROW/ BONE
    frighten someone very much
  • Critics call genetically modified crops " FRANKENfoods." (FRANKEN-)=> In arming the dictator, the US was creating a FRANKENSTEIN (ST that destroys or harms the person or people who created it) (FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER)
    used to describe ST that is considered to be frightening and dangerous because of the unnatural way in which it was created (IFML)
  • This cookbook will show you how to VEGANIZE any recipe.
    Make food suitable for vegans (= people who do not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, or cheese)
  • Company policy is to leave new workers out of the pension scheme, unless they choose to OPT IN=> Users have to click to give the company permission to collect data about their online habits, a process called OPT-IN
    Choose t b part f an activity, arrangement, etc=> The fact of choosing to take part in an activity, arrangement, etc. rather than being forced to take part
  • The lack of government funding is at the CORE of the problem/Don't throw your apple CORE on the floor/The earth's CORE is a hot, molten mix of iron and nickel=>Peel and CORE the pears before cooking them (Remove the core fm a piece f fruit)
    the basic & most important part f ST/ The hard central part f some fruits, suchas apples,tht contains the seeds/ The centre f a planet=> ....
  • She made her first successful ASCENT OF Everest last year/ We struggled up the slippery ASCENT/ His ASCENT TO power was rapid and unexpected. (FML)
    the act f climbing o moving upwards/ A slope, path, or road that goes up ST/ The fact f starting t become successful
  • Our government has INVESTED the representative WITH all the necessary powers to resolve the dispute.
    give authority or power to someone (INVEST SB WITH STH) (FORMAL)
  • His attractiveness is PARTLY due to his self-confidence. The house is PARTLY owned by her father.
    To some degree, but not completely
  • EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK has been listed as a World Heritage site since 1979. The EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK wood storks are clustered in the shelter of big willow trees.
    a national park(= a large area of land protected by the government bc of its natural beauty or because it has a special history) in the US state of Florida
  • The medical tests showed some VARIATION IN the baby's heart rate/ There are wide VARIATIONS in the way pensioners have benefited from the system.
    a change in amount o level/ ST tht is slightly different fm the usual form o arrangement
  • The French were completely OUTPLAYED by the Russian team.
    play a game more cleverly and successfully than another person or team
  • You have to be DEVIOUS if you're going to succeed in business. A DEVIOUS scheme/ He took a rather DEVIOUS route which avoids the city centre=> Management seems to have acted DEVIOUSLY and without regard for the interests of policyholders.
    Devious ppl or plans & methods are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever & successful/ Not direct
  • The plane began (to make) its final DESCENT into the airport/ His DESCENT INTO crime was rapid.
    a movement down/ A change in SB'S behaviour, or in a situation, from good to bad
  • He sent me some flowers BY WAY OF an apology.
    as a type of
  • Analysts liked the company's FORECAST-BEATING profit figures.
    used to describe a situation in which the level or amount of something, for example a profit, is better than expected
  • The President is ELECTED for a four-year term of office. We ELECTED him AS our representative=> (FORMAL) She ELECTED TO take early retirement instead of moving to the new location=> ELECTION
    decide on or choose, especially to choose a person for a particular job, by voting=> Choose to do a particular thing
  • She only sees her niece occasionally, so she SHOWERS her WITH presents when she does. His boss SHOWERED him WITH praise.
    Give someone a lot of presents or praise
  • They have 40 years of experience in the HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY (COMMERCE)
    businesses such as hotels, bars, and restaurants that offer people food, drink, or a place to sleep
  • The room was painted a SUBTLE shade of pink. The play's message is perhaps too SUBTLE to be understood by young children/ There is a SUBTLE difference between these two plans/ A SUBTLE plan/suggestion, SUBTLE questions=> SUBTLY
    not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way/ Small but important/Achieved in a quiet way that does not attract attention to itself & is therefore good
  • She's a very BUBBLY character (IFML)=> Let's crack open a bottle of BUBBLY to celebrate.
    (esp, a woman or girl) attractively full f energy & enthusiasm=>champagne (= expensive white or pink alcoholic drink with bubbles) (IFML)
  • She wore a fake-fur coat, big sunglasses and lots of BLING=> That gold chain is a little too BLING FOR my taste.
    jewelry or decoration that attracts attention because it is very noticeable and looks expensive
  • The hospital has a two-year WAITING LIST for minor operations. The course is full, but I can PUT you ON the WAITING LIST, in case somone drops out
    a list of ppl who have asked for ST that is not immediately available but will be in the future
  • I remember my CAREFREE student days.
    having no problems or not being worried about anything
  • When eating out with children, don't let the WAITPERSON serve meals to the kids first. If you want creative cuisine, an extensive wine list, or platoons of WAITPERSONS, this restaurant isn't for you.
    a waiter or waitress , used so that you do not need to state what gender the person is
    any snake that kills animals and birds by wrapping itself around them and crushing them
  • I'm just going to the JOHN - can you wait for me?
    a toilet (US, IFML)
  • These proposals will need a lot of REVISION. He was forced to make several REVISIONS TO his speech/ The Senate is expected to act on tax REVISION
    a change that is made to ST, or the process of doing this/ The act of changing or correcting ST, or the thing that has been changed or corrected
    any small gun that is cheap, often bought illegally and used by criminals
  • She was BAMBOOZLED INTO telling them her credit card number. (IFML)
    trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them
  • Interest will ACCRUE ON the account at a rate of seven percent/ By the time they leave, they'll have ACCRUED a year's holiday pay. (FORMAL)
    Increase in number or amount over a period of time/ Allow ST to increase in amount over a period of time
  • articles about subjects OF MARGINAL INTEREST
    of interest to only a few people
  • He's very HUMBLE ABOUT his success. (FML)Please accept our HUMBLE apologies for the error/ Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her HUMBLE background/ At that time she was just a HUMBLE mechanic.
    nt proud o nt believin tht u r important/ Poor o f a low social rank/ Ordinary;nt special o very important
  • This movie is IN EVERY WAY a masterpiece of cinematography.
    in all ways
  • The report suggests that there has only been a MARGINAL improvement in women's pay over the past few years=> I think his guess is only MARGINALLY better than anybody else's.
    Very small in amount or effect
  • BONE-DRY (a)
  • Soon afterwards he left to begin his career in the METROPOLIS. A sprawling/bustling/modern METROPOLIS
    a very large city, often the most important city in a large area or country
  • The company's CORE OPERATIONS include entertainment and aviation (Core Business/Operations/Activities)/ CORE Curriculum/Subjects/Courses
    the most important or largest part of a company's business activities/ The most important parts of a course of study, that all students must learn
  • We were CHARMED by his boyish manner.
    attract someone or persuade someone to do something because of your charm
  • The President has spoken DEFINITIVELY about the situation in the region. The link between lung cancer and air pollution has not been DEFINITIVELY proved.
    in a way that is not able to be changed or improved
  • The band's CROSSOVER from country into pop lost them some fans=> A CROSSOVER artist/album
    the process o result f changin fm one activity o style t another=> Used to refer to a musician who has changed to a different style of music, or to their music
  • The PROBABLE cause of death was heart failure. An election in June seems increasingly PROBABLE. It is PROBABLE that share prices will fall even more=> I’ll PROBABLY be home about midnight.
    likely to be true or likely to happen
  • The answers to these questions remain as ELUSIVE as ever. Success, however, remained ELUSIVE for her. elusive memories=> He remained ELUSIVELY in the background all evening.
    difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember