
Geography Olymp

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  • What is it? The Appalachian ....
  • Mount Mitchell is situated in North a) Carolina, b) Virginia
    North Carolina
  • The Appalachian highest peak is ...
    Mount Mitchell
  • How do we call people who were the first ones to discover something?
  • The Appalachians run through the Atlantic Provinces of a) Canada, b) Mexico, c) Russia
    a) Canada
  • Hernando de Soto of Spain lived in the a)14th, b) 16th, c) 18th century
    b) 16th century
  • There were ... original colonies in North America.
  • The Appalachian Plateau includes the Catskill Mountains of a) New York, b) New Jersey, c) New Hampshire
    a) New York
  • The first European explorer to enter the region of Appalachia was ...... of Spain.
    Hernando de Soto
  • The Appalachian a) Plateau, b) country is reach in minerals.
    The Appalachian Plateau