
5th Grade Science Unit 1 Review

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  • An amoeba has a nucleus. Is it a Monera or Protoctista?
    Protoctista - Moneras are prokaryotic so they don't have nuclei
  • How many kingdoms are there?
  • Name 5 organs
    Heart, Stomach, Lungs, Skin, Kidneys, Bladder, Liver, Intestines, Brain...
  • Name 3 vital functions
    Nutrition, Interaction, Reproduction
  • Are plants multicellular or unicellular organisms?
    Multicellular organisms
  • What are the 5 kingdoms of living things?
    Monera, Plantae, Animalia, Protoctista, Fungi
  • All protoctista organisms have ________ cells
    All protoctista organisms have eukaryotic cells
  • What doesn't a prokaryotic cell have?
    A nucleus
  • Everything inside the cell, excluding the nucleus, is called the ________
  • Give an example of how you might interact and react with your environment
    example: I touch something hot, I move my hand
  • What are the two forms of reproduction?
    Asexual and Sexual
  • Name three types of Fungi
    Yeast, Mould, Mushrooms
  • Why do fish have gills?
    To take in oxygen from the water
  • This forms the exterior of the cell. It encloses and protects the other parts of the cell.
    Cell Membrane
  • What are the two ways that living organisms obtain nutrients?
    Heterotrophic nutrition and Autotrophic nutrition
  • Where is the genetic material found in eukaryotic cells?
    In the nucleus
  • All organisms in the Monera kingdom are___________ with a _______ cell
    All organisms in the Monera kingdom are unicellular with a prokaryotic cell
  • Living organisms that only have one cell are called ________ __________
    Unicellular organisms
  • What are tissues?
    Cells that coordinate (work together) to perform a specific activity
  • Where is the genetic material in a prokaryotic cell?
    In the cytoplasm
  • What are the three processes of voluntary interaction in animals?
    1 sense organs detect a change 2 the nervous system receives information and makes a response 3 a locomotor system moves the body
  • List 4 organs that are involved in human reproduction
    Ovaries, vagina, penis and testicles
  • Put these in order to explain how cells work together: Body systems, Tissues, Cells, Organs
    Cells, Tissues, Organs, Body Systems
  • What are the stages of nutrition?
    Living organisms obtain oxygen, they transform the nutrients and oxygen they need into energy, they expel what they don't need as waste
  • What do sense organs do?
    detect changes in the environment
  • Cells contain this. It determines how the cell will develop and what activity it will perform
    Genetic material
  • These parts of the cell are specialised to carry out different functions like obtaining energy, producing substances or protecting genetic material