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  • Feel a bit under the weather
    feeling slightly sick
  • Pulling someone's leg
    joking with them
  • Busy as a bee
    To be very active and working hard at something
  • HItting the nail on the head
    Performing a task with precision
  • It cost an arm and a leg
    It is very expensive
  • Once in a blue moon
    rarely happens
  • Raining cats and dogs
    Raining very hard
  • A dime a dozen
    Something that is very common, not unique
  • Let the cat out of the bag
     share information that was a secret
  • Take with a grain of salt
    Don't take it too seriously
  • Piece of cake
    a task/job that is easy to complete
  • You can't judge a book by its cover
    Can not judge something based on its appearance
  • Fit as a fiddle
    Being in good health
  • Like two peas in a pod
    Two people who are always together
  • The ball is in your court
    It is up to you to make the next decision/step
  • He has bigger fish to fry
    He has more important things to take care
  • When pigs fly
    Something that is impossible
  • Sleeping like a log
    Sleeping very soundly
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch
    Don't count on something happening until after its already happened
  • Biting off more than you can chew
    Taking on a task that is too much to handle
  • Best thing since sliced bread
    a good idea, invention or plan
  • Getting a taste of your own medicine
    Being treated how you have been treating others
  • Run like the wind
    to run very fast
  • At the drop of a hat
    do something instantly without hesitation