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  • An expression used in reference to permorming to the very best of one's ability. e.g. She'll b_________ her _______ _________ tonight - she understands how important it is.
    bring one's A game
  • When 2 or more people _______ _______, they gradually become less intimate or friendly. e.g. Lewis and his father _______ed ________.
    drift apart
  • to go first along a route to show someone the way; to be the best. e.g. The company __________s ________ ________ in developing new software.
    leads the way
  • What can you say about this scene?
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  • (phrasal verb) Succeed in achieveing or winning something difficult. e.g. He ________ed _______ a surprise victory in the semi-final.
    pull off
  • (slang) = movie, film
    a flick
  • Where's Kate? Why? How does she feel about it?
    In the fat camp. ...
  • (slang disapproving) – to decide not to do something because you are too frightened. E.g. I was going to go bungee jumping, but I __________ed _________.
    chicken out
  • (Phrasal verb) To suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry or confused. E.g. I remember the first time I went onstage. I ________ed _______ completely.
    freak out
  • Who is he? Which 3-4 adjectives best describe him?
    handsome, successful television actor, charming, a bit selfish and arrogant
  • (AmE) To be in a good situation, referring to a person's state of mind, serenity, confidence, optimism, etc. e.g. She has been through a very difficult period but now she is in a _______ _______.
    good place
  • What can you say about their relationship?
    Free answer
  • To keep oneself or one’s plans hidden; to keep oneself; to avoid interactions with others – e.g. I think I’m just going to l_____ _______ at home this weekend – I don’t really feel like going out all.
    lay low
  • You g______ _________ of yourself when you act or plan prematurely or overconfidently. e.g. I'm _______ _______ _________ of myself, let's return to the beginning.
    getting ahead
  • A man who is skilled at repairing and making things inside or outside the house and who does this in his home or as a job.
  • One usually does it when they're travelling by boat, when they're drunk or have stomach flu. It's a synonym of throw up.
  • Who was your favourite character? Why?
    Open answers
  • Are you going to watch the next season? Is there anything you'd really like to happen?
    Open answers