
Ionic and Covalent Bonding

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  • When metal atom transfers electrons to non-metal atoms, what type of bond is formed?
    ionic bond
  • A nitrogen atom forms a ________ covalent bond with another nitrogen atom.
  • Why do ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points?
    There are strong electrostatic forces of attraction holding the oppositely-charged ions together.
  • Sodium and Chlorine combine to make NaCl. Which of the two elements will become a positive ion?
  • How many valence electrons does hydrogen need to have a full set of valence electrons?
  • When one atom shares two pairs of electrons with another atom, what is the bond formed?
    double covalent bond
  • A non-metal atom receives electrons to form a _________ ion
    negatively charged
  • What type of bond will form between Br and I?
  • The electrons involved in chemical bonding are __________ electrons.
    valence/outer shell
  • What type of bond is shown in this compound?
    covalent bond
  • When non-metal atom shares electrons with non-metal atoms, what type of bond is formed?
    covalent bond
  • What type of bond is shown in this compound?
    ionic bond
  • Why do atoms combine to make compounds?
    To have a full outer shell of electrons and become stable
  • Atoms become more stable when they have a full set of valence electrons. For most atoms, how many electrons are needed for a full set?
  • Do Group 8 elements form bonds with other elements?
  • Why don't noble gases form bonds with other elements?
    They have a full outer shell of electrons.