
Chapter 5 Section 1

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  • What is a duty?
    a tax on imports
  • What was the Quartering Act?
    one of several British laws that required American colonists to provide housing and food for British soldiers stationed in North America
  • What was the British law requiring colonists to purchase a stamp for official documents and published papers called?
    The Stamp Act
  • What do you call a military force made up of local citizens to help protect their town, land, or nation
  • What is unjust rule by an absolute ruler called?
  • What was the British law that regulated paper money in the American colonies called?
    The Currency Act
  • Who were the Sons of Liberty?
    the groups of merchants, shopkeepers, and craftsmen who successfully opposed the Stamp Act by establishing networks to boycott British goods
  • Why did the British government need extra revenue in 1763
    Britain had to recoup the costs of its victory in the French and Indian War
  • Why did King George III try to limit contact between the citizens of the British colonies and Native Americans?
    to keep peace on the frontier
  • What is income or money that is received called?
  • What was Prime Minister George Grenville's policy toward the colonies?
    Britain should tax colonies directly to raise money to pay for the war debt
  • What does repeal mean?
    to cancel or nullify, especially a law
  • What is the Sugar Act?
    the British law that lowered the duty on molasses to cut out smuggling, so that the British would get the revenue
  • What is a grievance?
    an objection or reason to complain
  • What do you call a a form of protest that involves refusing to purchase goods or services?
  • Why did some colonists object to the Proclamation of 1763?
    They thought the king was restricting their freedom to expand westward.
  • What methods did some merchants in the English colonies probably use to get around the Sugar Act, the Currency Act, and the Stamp Act?
    Merchants in the colonies may have smuggled or hidden their goods, falsified their tax documents, bartered for goods, or tried to use illegal colonial money.
  • What was the Proclamation of 1763?
    a law requiring colonists to stay east of a line drawn on a map along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains
  • How did the Currency Act contribute to colonial anger over the Stamp Tax?
    The Currency Act made it illegal to use anything but British coins. The Stamp Act said that taxes be paid in those rare coins—and threatened seizure of goods.
  • How did the Currency Act of 1764 directly affect Benjamin Franklin?
    He paid for stamps for documents he printed.
    He had to stop printing colonial paper money
    He had to pay his taxes directly to Britain
    He created new currency sizes and designs
  • Why did Virginia and other colonies claim the sole right to tax their inhabitants?
    because colonists had representation only in their colonial assemblies