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  • What feature does a monomer  that undergoes addition polymerisation need?
    C=C bond
  • Draw the structure of the monomer that would be used to make the addition polymer Teflon (polytetrafluoroethene)
  • Polyamides and polyesters are examples of which kind of polymers?
    condensation polymers
  • What is the name for the link in this polymer?
    ester link
  • What kind of link joins together the monomers in nylon?
    amide link
  • What are monomers?
    small molecules that join together to make polymers
  • A section of a polyester is shown in the diagram. Which two molecules (monomers) could be reacted to form this polymer?
    Dicarboxylic acid and dialcohol
  • Name a suitable use for nylon?
    clothing, ropes, string etc.
  • Name a polyester
  • Which type of polymerisation is not accompanied by the elimination of a byproduct molecule?
    addition polymerisation
  • Draw the correct structure for a repeating unit of poly(propene)
  • Which two molecules (monomers) could be reacted to make a polyamide?
    diamine and dicarboxylic acid
  • What is the correct name of the polymer made from ethene?
  • What feature does a monomer that undergoes condensation polymerisation need?
    2 or more functional groups
  • What is the name of the reaction used to make polymers?
  • Large molecules made up of small monomers are called
  • Name a use of poly(propene)
    crates and boxes