
Medieval Spain

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  • What type of architecture style is this?
  • Where did Muslims go to pray?
  • In feudalism this group was formed by priest, monks and nuns.
  • What three religious communities coexisted in Al-Andalus before it was under Christian rule.
    Muslims, Jews and Christians
  • In the 12th century, trade started to expand. Where would they build their new cities?
    Near roads, rivers and trade routes
  • In ______, the Christian Kingdoms joined together and won the battle of ______.
    1212 / Las Navas de Tolosa
  • What happened in 1085?
    Alfonso VI conquered Toledo
  • When did the Reconquista start?
    AD 722 battle of Covadonga 
  • What hierarchical social system did they have in the middle ages?
  • In feudalism who were not free and had to work for the nobles?
    Peasants and Serfs
  • Name the two people that united their kingdoms into one powerful kingdom?
    Fernando II of Aragon and Isabel I of Castilla
  • What type of Islamic style architecture would you see in Al-Andalus?
    courtyards, domes, mosaics and arches
  • What is the Medina?
    Where the craftspeople lived
  • Who was the first Caliph of Al-Andalus?
    Abd al-Rahman III
  • Muslims conquered Al-Andalus in what year? What was the name of the battle?
    Battle of Guadalete in AD 711
  • What year did the Reconquista finish and why?
    1492 with the conquest of the Kingdom of Granada
  • The Muslims conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Island except?
    The North of Asturias
  • When did the Caliphate of Cordoba fall that resulted in many Taifa Kingdoms?
    AD 1031
  • In a Muslim city they had a fortified palace called ________ and a fort called _______?
    alcazar / alcazaba
  • What is Juderias?
    Jewish people lived in separated neighborhoods
  • The Visigoths established their capital city in?
  • What was the role of the knights?
    fought in the nobles armies
  • What type of architecture style is this?