
World of Work ~ Parts of a Job Application

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  • Name 2 things you would find on a job application.
    education, job experience, name, address, email, phone number, references, availability
  • Are you currently employed?
    Yes = you are working in a paid job now, No = you do not have a paid job. You could be volunteering or have an unpaid internship
  • What does "Do you have any relatives that work or have worked here before?" mean?
    The job application/future employer is asking if anyone in your family has ever worked there before. If they are a good employee, it may help you get hired.
  • Can you put your Mom down as a reference?
    No, a reference needs to be someone who can speak about your skills, abilities, character on the job. Your Mom will probably only say sweet things about you
  • How many numbers are in a Zip code?
    5, one of Fort Collins' Zip codes are 80528
  • Job Application Tips ~ TRUE or FALSE: Do not use abbreviations, except for "n/a" (not applicable).
  • Job Application Tips ~ TRUE or FALSE: It is okay to leave questions blank on a job application.
    False! Respond to all questions. If a question does not apply, use "n/a" = not applicable. This shows the employer that you did not overlook anything
  • Will a job application ask you if you have any special skills?
    Yes, a job application may ask you to list any special skills (computer, typing, welding, etc.)
  • What does St. stand for?
    Street *It is important to spell out all words on a job application when space allows. It looks professional & shows your future boss you don't take short cuts.
  • What could you put on the line Desired Pay: _______________
    Write how much you want/need to get paid, but be reasonable. If a job post says pays $12.50-$13.75/hour, don't put anything higher.
  • Who is someone you could put down as a reference on a job application?
    your former employer, manager, teacher, coach
  • What does Ave. stand for?
    Ave. is abbreviation for Avenue as in the address 501 Park Place Avenue
  • Are you at least 18 years old?
    Age 15, 16, 17 = NO, Age 18, 19, 20, 21 = YES
  • What does DOB stand for?
    Date of Birth
  • Is a job application allowed to ask you if you are married?
    No! Job Application Tips ~ Illegal Questions: Applications may contain questions that are illegal to ask before a conditional offer of employment.
  • Job Application Tips ~ TRUE or FALSE: It is important to proofread your application before turning it in.
    True. Make sure you look over, correct any errors or omissions. Check your spelling
  • Example Job Application: Are you seeking FT, PT, or seasonal work? What does FT stand for?
    Full Time *FT is typically 35-40 hours worked in a week
  • Do you have to sign a job application?
    Yes, by signing the job application you are saying that all the information you have written is correct.
  • What does PT stand for on a job application?
    Part Time
  • What does Help Wanted mean?
    Help Wanted means that place of business is hiring.
  • Is your medical history a question you will find on a job application?
    No, you will not be asked any personal health or medical information when applying for a job.
  • What does M.I. stand for?
    Middle Initial
  • What is a reference?
    People who can answer questions about your character, skills, abilities, work style. References can include former employers, managers, teachers
  • What does Available Start Date mean?
    The date when you are available or able to start working. If you apply on 1/10/2022 then you could put available start date as 1/11/2022.