
Modern America 1

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  • Columbus was interested in........…... not……………..
    Gold not Culture
  • European ships traveled around the world to………………..
    Search for new trading routes.
  • Mention 3 effect of European Exploration
    teacher will check
  • Explorers brought back plants and animals to the...............(New world_Old world)
    old world
  • Columbus landed in the........., an island he named.............
    the Bahamas, San Salvador
  • Talk about the Columbus exchange
    Teacher will check
  • The exploration of America created…………….(stronger ties_conflict among countries)
    conflict among countries
  • Columbus became famous when he discovered…………………….
    a new continent
  • The reason for the explorations was to find……………………
    to find a new route to Aisa
  • Explorers brought plants, animals, and diseases to the………(New world_ Old world)
    New World