
TB3 - Unit 2

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  • How many tens do you have in this number: 598?
    9 tens.
  • What body part do you use to hear?
    My ears.
  • Comple the sentences: if you are happy...
    clap you hands!
  • What do you do with your nose?
    I smell.
  • How is the girl feeling?
    She is scared.
  • How is he feeling?
    He is angry.
  • How long did it take Georges Seurat to finish this painting?
    It took him two years.
  • What style did George Seurat invent?
    He invented pointillism.
  • What is the order of an addres?
    Numer > street > city > state > ZIP code
  • With your mouth you can ... food.
  • How does the girl feel?
    She feels sad.
  • With your hands you can ... objects.
  • What is the order of an addres?
    Numer > street > city > state > ZIP code
  • Give us a tip to stay safe.
    open answer
  • What body part do you use to see?
    I see with my eyes.