
Scavenger Hunt - House

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  • Where's the place where keeps the food really cold?
    A freezer or a fridge keeps the food really cold and it's in the kitchen
  • Where's the place where you go to lay down?
    My bed is in my bedroom
  • Where's your favorite seat?
    A couch or a chair. It's in the kitchen, in a dining room or in a living room.
  • Where does the coffee brew?
    The coffee brews in the kitchen
  • Where do you keep a picture in a frame?
    I keep a picture in a frame in a bedroom or in a living room.
  • Where's the place you can see your own face?
    A mirror. There's a mirror in my bedroom or in the bathroom.
  • Where's the place where you go to get clean?
    I get clean in a bathroom
  • Plug your nose! Where do you store your dirty clothes?
    I store my dirty clothes in a laundry
  • Where would you put your toy?
    I would out my toy in my bedroom
  • Where do you put your shoes?
    I put my shoes in my bedroom