
Present continuous

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  • Are you taking a photo?
    Yes, I am
  • What are you doing?
    I am playing volleyball
  • What is he doing?
    He's having a shower.
  • Are you going to school?
    Yes, I am
  • Is she drinking milk?
    No, she isn't
  • Is she studying?
    Yes, she is
  • Is he collecting shells?
    No, he isn't
  • What are you doing?
    I'm making a sandcastle
  • Are you swimming in the sea?
    No, I'm not
  • Is he sleeping?
    Yes, he is
  • Is she going on exsursions?
    Yes, she is
  • What is she doing?
    She's listening to music.
  • Are you putting on sun cream?
    Yes, I am
  • Is she sleeping?
    Yes, she is
  • What are they doing?
    They're watching TV
  • What are you doing?
    I'm painting pictures
  • Is she shopping?
    Yes, she is
  • Is he having a shower?
    No, he isn't. He's brushing his teeth
  • What is he doing?
    He's dancing
  • Is he having dinner?
    No, he isn't. He's having breakfast
  • Are they swimming?
    Yes, they are
  • Is he eating pizza?
    No, he isn't
  • Are they playing video games?
    Yes, they are