
The Giver chapters 1 & 2

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  • Who is Asher? Describe him.
    Jonas's best friend. Asher is funny, irresponsible and easy going.
  • What number was used to identify Lily before she was given a name.
  • Name atleast 3 of the 5 themes found through out The Giver.
    The individual vs society, freedom and choice, feeling and emotion, coming of age and memory.
  • Why did Lily call the visitors at her school 'animals'?
    One of the boys didn't wait in line to go on the slide.
  • What animal is Lily's comfort object?
    An elephant
  • Why is Jonas concerned about his friend Asher?
    He thinks Asher jokes too much and isn't sure there is an assignment for him.
  • Describe the Ceremony of Eights.
    Every child gets his/her comfort object taken away.
  • How does a couple go about acquiring a child?
    A request form must be submitted and the approved by the Committee of Elders.
  • Why was Jonas feeling apprehensive in chapter 1?
    He was nervous about the upcoming Ceremony of Twelves.
  • What assignment did Father's friend Yoshiko recieve during their Ceremony of Twelves?
  • Why did Asher have to apologize to his class?
    Because he was late to class.
  • Name 3 characteristics of Jonas's family.
    They are considerate, helpful, supportive and they think carefully about their experiences and relationships.
  • Where did Father spend his volunteer hours during his childhood?
    At the Nurturing center.
  • What are Jonas's father's and monther's jobs?
    His father is a Nurturer and his mother works for the Department of Justice
  • Describe the Ceremony of Nines.
    Children are given a bicycle and taught how to ride it.
  • Name 2 things that the community values besides following the rules?
    Correct expression of ideas and understanding of feelings.
  • Father's sister Kayta, removed an accessory during her Ceremony of Nines. What was it?
    Her hair ribbons.
  • Who is Gabriel and why is Jonas's father concerned about him?
    A baby that Jonas's father has been nurturing. Gabriel cries alot and isn't healthy.
  • Describe the Ceremony of Ones.
    Infants are given names and are assigned to a family.
  • Name a rule that is commonly broken in the community.
    Older siblings teach their younger siblings how to ride a bike before they turn 9.