
Academic Language

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  • To decide after considering the information presented
  • To state what you think with happen based on facts
  • To show how two things are different
  • What does EVALUATE mean?
    To solve a problem or to find the main point
  • What does VERTICAL mean?
    Up and down
  • What does INTERPRET mean?
    To explain the meaning of something
  • What does CHARACTERIZE mean?
    To describe the qualities of different things
  • To give information that helps prove something
  • What does ANALYZE mean?
    To break into parts and then explain each part
  • What does EQUIVALENT?
    Equal in amount or value
  • What are brackets used for in math?
    Symbols used in pairs to group things together.
  • What does ILLUSTRATE mean?
    To make a point clear using examples
  • What is theme?
    an idea that recurs in a work of art or literature- the message
  • What does OBSERVE mean?
    To examine and note what is seen
  • To draw conclusions based on facts
  • To stand up for someone or something
  • Side to side is called what?
  • What does LCM stand for?
    Least common multiple
  • To show how two things are similar
  • What does DIAGRAM mean?
    To make a drawing and label the parts
  • What does CITE mean?
    To use something as an example, proof
  • What is alliteration?
    the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
  • To present only the important information
  • What are exponents?
    The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication.
  • To make something that stands for something else