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  • Spell the plural of "wife".
    w i v e s
  • My mother got a loan from the bank. Is she the borrower or the lender?
    the borrower
  • What is the oldest, shortest and most often used English word?
  • What does "CIA" stand for?
    Central Intelligence Agency
  • Correct this sentence with an auxiliary verb: "I seen that film twice."
    "I have seen that film twice".
  • Only two English words end in “-gry”. What are they?
    angry and hungry
  • What is the original meaning of “Goodbye”?
    god be with you
  • Which word does NOT rhyme with "score": door, more, sour, four?
  • What is the most common adjective used in English?
  • How many new words are added to the English dictionary every year?
  • Complete this saying: "There is nothing new ..."
    "... under the sun."
  • What title is given the wife of the U.S. President?
    First Lady
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective "bad".
    worse (comparative) worst (superlative)
  • Use a prefix to make one word that means "not necessary".
  • How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
  • Which are the correct colours of the U.K. flag (Union Jack)?
    White, blue and red
  • What is is the shortest complete sentence in the English language?
    I am.
  • English is the official language of how many countries? (guess, + or - 10 % is accepted)
  • Does a person "immigrate" or "emigrate" from one country to another?
    emigrate (you emigrate from and immigrate into)
  • One man added more than 1700 words to the English language. What is his name?
    William Shakespeare
  • What is the official language of the USA?
    The US doesn’t have an official language.
  • What does FBI stand for?
    Federal Bureau for Investigation
  • What is the anagram of "listen"?
  • that is the anagram of the word "schoolmaster"?
    the classroom