
Pine Barrens Pond Ecology

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  • Plants in this zone have leaves that lay on the surface of the water with roots and stems under water..
    Floating Leaf Plant Zone
  • A water boatman would be found in this animal zone.
    Surface Film
  • What type of fish is this?
  • What plant is surrounding this frog?
  • A dragonfly nymph would be found in this zone of a pond.
    Bottom Mud
  • what is the name of this carnivorous plant?
  • What is the organism in this picture?
    water boatman
  • What plant is pictured here?
  • Animals in this zone hide in submerged plants or burrow in the mud.
    Animals of the Bottom
  • A water lily (lily pad) would be found in this plant zone.
    Floating Leaf
  • What is the name of the plant pictured here?
    red maple or swamp maple
  • Plants in this zone have roots and stems under water and leaves above water.
    Emergent Plant Zone
  • What organism is pictured here?
    dragon fly nymph
  • A pumpkinseed fish would be found in this zone of a pond.
    Open Water
  • What animal is pictured here?
    snapping turtle
  • PLANTS in this zone are completely under water.
    Submerged Plant Zone
  • Name one carnivorous plant that lives in the Pine Barrens.
    pitcher plant, sundew, bladderwort
  • What plant is pictured here?
    pond grass
  • Which organism is pictured here?
    black banded sunfish
  • What is the name of the organism pictured here?
    fisher spider