
Gifted PD August 2021

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  • According to the ODE definition, gifted students are those who perform at or show the ability to perform at high levels.
  • Twice-exceptional gifted students are those profoundly gifted learners who score in the upper 2% of the population.
    No, twice-exceptional refers to being identified as gifted, along with another significant identification or diagnosis.
  • Curiosity is a common characteristic of gifted children.
  • Gifted services are no longer reflected in our school district's report card due to COVID.
    NOT true!
  • A written education plan, or WEP, must be created for each student identified as gifted in the state of Ohio.
    No, only those who are being counted as receiving gifted services need to have a WEP.
  • Gifted learners show the most growth in heterogeneously grouped classes.
    Actually, they show the most growth in homogenous groupings where accelerated pace is the norm.
  • Gifted students often have a sense of humor that differs from their peers.
    So true! An advanced sense of humor is a hallmark gifted characteristic.
  • The speed of your computer mouse can be measured in what unit?
  • Behavior problems sometimes make gifted identification more difficult.
    True! Behavior problems can mask academic or other types of giftedness.
  • In general, research supports waiting until children are at least 8 years old to pursue gifted identifications.
    Nope! In fact, identification and the start of services at young ages can ward off underachievement.
  • Gifted students sometimes underachieve because of perfectionistic tendencies.
    Yes, perfectionism often manifests itself as underachievement.
  • Cynophobia is known as the fear of dogs.
  • In general, the academic performance of gifted students parallels their social and emotional development.
    No. Asynchronous development in these areas is common.
  • An effective way to push gifted students is to make sure they know the material well enough to tutor struggling students.
    No, gifted students often don't make the best tutors.
  • Teachers with average intelligence cannot usually be successful teachers of gifted students.
    False! Teachers of the gifted need to understand their students and help them develop their talents.
  • There are ___ teeth in an adult's mouth.
    32, barring a traumatic event. ;)
  • An octopus has ___ hearts.
    Three, plus a doughnut-shaped brain!
  • Which color of M&Ms is the rarest?
    According to Yahoo: Brown at 13.5% of M&Ms
  • Dump, floater, and wipe are terms used in which team sport?
  • Research shows that most gifted children are compliant and often want to please their teachers.
    This is NOT supported by research. Gifted children often are not "teacher pleasers."
  • Low grades are a red flag that indicates a reconsideration of a student's gifted identification is recommended.
    No, low grades are not uncommon with gifted students, and may indicate that a reconsideration of gifted services is recommended.
  • Acceleration, sometimes called grade skipping, has been proven by research to be an effective intervention for gifted students.
  • Superior memory (both long and short term) is a very common quality with gifted students.
    Very true!
  • We begin identifying gifted students in kindergarten here in the Bethel-Tate district.
    True, but services don't begin until 1st grade.
  • ___ was the first toy to be advertised on television.
    According to, Mr. Potato Head in 1952.