
Form 2 First Term Test review TKP

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  • An Apple watch is __________ (expensive) than an apple.
    more expensive
  • There are much types of fish at the aquarium at Ocean Park. Which word is wrong?
    many not much
  • _____ ______ a new spaghetti dish at Pizza Hut that I'd like to try.
    There is
  • Mr. Nip gets ________ (angry) than Ms. Sit when we don't do our homework.
  • I am the ______ (happy) when I am at school. I love learning.
  • What _____ you _____(do) for the Christmas holiday this year?
    are (you) doing/will (you) do
  • On the weekend, the ______ (early) I get up is 10:00 am.
  • You should been more careful when crossing the street. Make sure you cross when the light is green. Which word is wrong?
    be not been
  • You can go to an ______________ shop to buy a washing machine or a microwave.
  • Greg is ______ at playing the piano and the violin. He has won many competitions.
  • Bill always _____ (try) very hard at all his school work.
  • Do you think BTS is ______ (famous) than Mirror?
    more famous
  • I ___ ____ (take) a cheese board to the party on Friday.
    am taking/will take
  • The rose is the _________ (pretty) of all the flowers.
  • Where is Jane right now? She ___ ____ (pay) for her lunch.
    is paying
  • If you can't find a shop at a shopping centre, you can look at the _____ ______.
    store directory or information desk
  • Dim sum is a _________ food that comes from Hong Kong and southern China. It's a very special type of food.
  • _______ ________ any summer clothes in my closet because they are packed away for the winter.
    There aren't
  • Last summer, I do not go to Canada. Which word is wrong?
  • It is _____ to spend time with your grandparents because they share stories about their younger lives.
  • My mother likes to go shopping at the fancy ________ in Central.
  • I was waiting for the bus before I ______ (realize) I forgot my wallet.
  • Bob showed a lot of ______ today because he got all his homework left before he left school.
  • You would buy a necklace or earrings at a ______________ shop.
  • There hasn't any classes on Sunday because it's a school holiday. Which word is wrong?
  • I need to go to the _____________ shop to get some pens and paper.
  • My mother gives me $500 _______ _______ every two weeks.
    pocket money
  • You can go to Sephora or Sasa to buy ___________ such as eye shadow or lipstick.
  • McDonald's is a good place to eat for teens because ____ _____ a cheap menu.
    it has
  • I _____ (watch) television this weekend and I can't wait.
    will watch