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  • I don’t want to watch that film. It is terrific and it gives me the heebie-jeebies.
    I don’t want to watch that film. It is TERRIFYING and it gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  • Save the documents in the carpet.
    Save the documents in the FOLDER.
  • I used to work in a fabric.
    I used to work in a FACTORY.
  • You get so offended by my jokes; you are so sensible.
    You get so offended by my jokes; you are so SENSITIVE.
  • Jane got embarrassed last month.
    Jane got PREGNANT last month.
  • I can’t support my colleagues. They don’t stop talking.
    I can’t PUT UP WITH my colleagues. They don’t stop talking
  • The reporter was very educated. He thanked me for my help.
    The reporter was very POLITE. He thanked me for my help.
  • She is a great avocado.
    She is a great LAWYER.
  • I can’t assist class tomorrow. I have to work.
    I can’t ATTEND class tomorrow. I have to work.
  • Actually I am studying for FCE exam.
    CURRENTLY I am studying for FCE exam.
  • Her hair is very large.
    Her hair is very LONG.
  • How many idioms do you speak?
    How many LANGUAGES do you speak?
  • They were shouting. It looked like they were having a discussion.
    They were shouting. It looked like they were having AN ARGUMENT.
  • The meeting was a great exit.
    The meeting was a great SUCCESS.
  • Did you see the notices on TV last night?
    Did you see the NEWS on TV last night?
  • I can’t go to the game. I’m constipated.
    I can’t go to the game. I HAVE A COLD.
  • I’m going to a manifestation tomorrow to protest about global warming
    I’m going to a DEMONSTRATION tomorrow to protest about global warming