
Phrasal verbs:

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  • Use GET ON in a sentence.
  • HANG OUT (with someone): a) to spend time with a person or people // b) to have a good relationship
    a) to spend time with a person or people
  • GROW APART (from someone): a) to separate when a romantic relationship ends // b) to become less close
    b) to become less close
  • LOOK UP TO (someone): a) to be similar to someone // b) to admire or respect someone
    b) to admire or respect someone
  • She's so smart! I GET ON / LOOK UP to her, because she always know what to say, even in the hardest moments!
  • My friend Miguel and I used to HANG OUT / FALL OUT a lot, but he doesn't have much time now.
  • Use SPLIT UP in a sentence.
  • SPLIT UP (with/from someone): a) to argue with someone and stop speaking to them // b) to separate when a romantic relationship ends
    b) to separate when a romantic relationship ends
  • FALL OUT (with someone): a) to have a good relationship // b) to argue with someone an stop speaking to them
    b) to argue with someone an stop speaking to them
  • He hasn't seen his ex girlfriend since they GREW APART / SPLIT UP.
  • When she talks I can see how much she TAKES AFTER / LOOKS UP her mum. They both look the same!
  • Use GROW APART in a sentence.
  • The first time I saw him I thought he was a great guy! From that moment I GOT ON / TOOK AFTER with him pretty easily.
    GOT ON
  • I TOOK AFTER / FELL OUT with Anabel last month because she said horrible things about me.
  • TAKE AFTER (someone): a) to separate when a romantic relationship ends // b) to be similar to someone
    b) to be similar to someone
  • Use LOOK UP in a sentence.
  • GET ON (with someone): a) to have a good relationship // b) to admire or respect someone
    a) to have a good relationship
  • We were friends since kinder garden, but in high school we SPLIT UP / GREW APART from each other..