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  • it / not / be / cold
    It wasn't cold.
  • What are past simple and past participle forms of GIVE
  • Make a sentence: (we / not / be / in China)
    We were not (weren/t) in China.
  • We (not/use) the computer last night.
    We didn't use the computer last night.
  • We were in a hurry. - make a question
    Were we in a hurry?
  • Translate to Polish: Czy on posprzątał wczoraj swój pokój?
    Did he tidy his room yesterday?
  • She (read) the newspaper yesterday.
    She read the newspaper yesterday.
  • Translate to Polish: Byłem w kinie w zeszłą sobotę.
    I was at the cinema last Saturday.
  • Why (you/come)?
    Why did you come?
  • Make a question: He wrote a beautiful love story.
    Did he write a beautiful love story?
  • Correct the mistake: Oh no! I forgotten to buy a birthday present for my grandma!
    Oh no! I FORGOT to buy a birthday present for my grandma!
  • Correct the mistake: He done a lot of mistakes on his test.
    He DID a lot of mistakes on his test.
  • What are past simple and past participle forms of BREAK
  • Where (you/get off) the train?
    Where did you get off the train
  • Make a question: He took part in a dance competition.
    Did he take part in a dance competition?
  • I lived in Boston for 10 years. - make a negative
    I didn't live in Boston for 10 years.
  • What are past simple and past participle forms of RUN
    RUN - RAN - RUN
  • What (he/give) his mother for Christmas?
    What did he give his mother for Christmas?
  • You / be / in the garden
    You were in the garden.
  • What are past simple and past participle forms of SLEEP
  • Correct the mistake: Did you lost your keys?
    Did you LOSE your keys?
  • Translate to Polish: Moi rodzice nie poszli na imprezę.
    My parents didn't go to a party.