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  • Vitamins A and C are very helpful in building the body's immunity to diseases. (immunity)
    resistance, protection against
  • Varad froze and became as white as a sheet as the ghastly creature moved towards him. (ghastly)
    horrible, gruesome
  • The ascent to the mountain top was long and tiring. (ascent)
  • Aisha has a very laid-back and reserved personality whereas her friend, Monique, is rather feisty. (feisty)
    outspoken, assertive
  • Common courtesies include saying "please" and "thank you". (courtesies)
    acts of politeness or respectfulness
  • A march past parade signalled the commencement of the school's Fun Day. (commencement)
    beginning, start
  • Plucking the mangoes off of their stems, Kaylee and Shania ripped the skins away with their teeth and bit into the succulent fruit. (succulent)
    tender and juicy
  • After wandering for days in the desert wilderness, Samara suddenly let out a shriek of joy, for in the distance, she spotted an oasis, a stretch of fertile land. (fertile)
    rich, productive
  • Simran had no trouble persuading her parents to get her a pet since she is always a very responsible child. (persuading)
  • Their quest for the pirate treasure led Jemar and Aiden deep into the Amazon forest. (quest)
    long and challenging search
  • Dryers, dishwashers and air condition units consume far more electrical energy than most other household appliances. (consume)
    use up, burn
  • As Liam tripped and fell, Ridwaan rushed to his aid. (aid)
    to help him, to assist him
  • Rare items such as gems and precious stones are often very costly. (rare)
    uncommon, not easily available
  • Pursue your dreams with faith and hard work. (pursue)
    go after, chase,
  • The school building was extended to accommodate extra classrooms. (extended)
    lengthened, increased in size
  • For freeing him from the magic lamp, the genie granted Alladin three wishes. (granted)
    gave, gifted
  • Filled with exhaustion after the hard day's work, Alex collapsed on his bed and fell into a deep sleep. (exhaustion)
  • Hannah was asked to give a brief explanation but went into a long-winded, detailed answer which contained a lot of unnecessary information. (brief)
    short, concise
  • Deceived by his own reflection in the water, the greedy dog opened his mouth to grab the bigger bone and was horrified as his own bone fell and disappeared into the lake. (deceived)
  • Heleigh is very concerned about the environment and makes every effort to conserve water, especially during the dry season. (conserve)
    save, use wisely
  • Serralin has a subscription to the "National Geographic Kids Magazine" and receives a copy by mail each month. (subscription)
    an advanced payment
  • A kind word can transform even the grumpiest person to one who is happy and kind. (transform)
    change, alter
  • Startled by the sudden scream, Zachary could feel his heart pounding vigorously as if fighting to break free of his chest. (startled)
    alarmed, caught off guard
  • Many accidents are caused by reckless drivers. (reckless)