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  • miserable
  • appeal
    быть интересным
  • The kids ( play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
    were playing
  • I gave my friend directions to my house, but later realised that I (forgot) _________________ to give her the exact address.
    had forgotten
  • First she (be) _________________ a teacher, then she became a journalist
    had been
  • He (drive) very fast when the police (stop) him.
    was driving / stopped
  • He awoke thinking he was in a prison and that he'd been arrested for robbery. He then realised that it (all/be) __________________ just a bad dream.
    had all been
  • Michael had a black eye. It looked as if he (be) __________________ in a fight.
    had been
  • hurt
  • I (say) hello because you (walk) very fast.
    didn't say / were walkig
  • I got to work this morning and was angry when I saw that no one (arrive) _________________ yet.
    had arrived
  • I (practise) the guitar when he came home.
    was practising
  • I (sleep) happily when a loud noise (hear)
    was sleeping / heard
  • When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly.
    were playing
  • anxious
  • This morning I (get up) and I (make) breakfast for everybody.
    got up / made
  • There was a terrible atmosphere in the room. They (have) _________________ an argument just before I came.
    had had / had been having
  • down
  • By the time we reached Frankfurt we (already/drive) _______________ for 4 hours
    had already driven / had already been drivig
  • tense
  • terrified
  • disoriented
    сбитый с толку
  • While I was away on holiday, my sister (fall) _________________ ill and I had to come home.
  • Yesterday at six I ( prepare) dinner.
    was preparing