
Clauses And Phrases

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  • Which words have the same meaning and function as WISH
  • Which words have the same meaning and function as BECAUSE
  • Rewite the sentence with the same meaning: ''If they were stronger, they could lift the table"-> Were.................
    Were they stronger, they could lift the table.
  • Which structure has the same meaning and function as ''SO THAT+ s+ will/would/ can/ could+Vo"?
  • Which words have the similar meaning and funcion to BECAUSE OF
  • Complete the sentence: The goods were so good that....................
    oops/ Okay
  • Combine the pair of sentences to make one: I whispered. I didn't want to disturb anyone.
    I whispered in order (so as) not to disturb anyone.
  • Make a new sentence with WISH " I didn't meet my idol at the show last night''
    I wish I had met my idol at the show last night.
  • Make a new sentence with WISH: '' I am not a superman''
    I wish I was/were a superman.
  • Rewite the sentence with the same meaning:'' If he had study hard, he would have passed his exam''-> Had .............
    Had he studied hard, he would have passed his exam.
  • Rewrite the sentence with BECAUSE OF: '' We like him because his conduct is good"
    We like him because of his good conduct.
  • Rewrite the sentence with SUCH: This city is so large that I've got lost.
    This is such a big city that I've got lost.
  • Which word have the similar meaning and function to IN ORDER TO
    TO/ SO AS TO
  • Make a new sentence with WISH: '' I want to become a pressident in the future''
    I wish I would be/become a pressident in the future.