
Finish the sentences (Zero and First conditional ...

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  • Keep a first-aid kit in your house in case...
    Different answers
  • Shh! Don't make noise in case...
    Different answers
  • Let's take the satnav in case...
    Different answers
  • Don't buy a second- hand car unles...
    Different answers
  • As soon as you've received your new credit card, ...
    Different answers
  • We'll be having a barbecue tomorrow unless...
    Different answers
  • Children shouldn't use social media until...
    Different answers
  • We could go for a walk after...
    Different answers
  • I'll give you a call after...
    Different answers
  • We need to book the holiday soon in case....
    Different answers
  • Carry on taking the antibiotics until...
    Different answers
  • I'm going to buy a motorbike as soon as...
    Different answers
  • As soon as we've arrived at the hotel...
    sts own answer
  • I'll do the washing up if ...
    Different answers
  • What are you going to do when...
    Different answers
  • Don't disturb the boss unless....
    Different answers
  • We must say goodbye to Luis before...
    Different answers
  • You shouldn't think of getting a tattoo if...
    Different answers
  • I'm sure your husband will understand if...
    Different answers
  • If his wife has told him to do it...
    Different answers
  • Unless you hurry up...
    Different answers