
AO Transition Words

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  • show contrast or make a concession
    however, but on the other hand, conversely, yet, though, in contrast, nevertheless
  • explain, define, or elaborate on an idea
    that is, in other words
  • Indicate sequence or show the order of ideas and or facts
    first, second, third, next, then, finally, last
  • I really like cats. ______, I enjoy black cats.
    Furthermore, moreover
  • introduce examples
    for example, to illustrate, for instance
  • show personal attitude negatively
    unfortunately, sadly, regretfully
  • Show similarity or to add information
    Also, too, in addition, furthermore, moreover
  • in conclusion, to summarize, to wrap up
    conclude or end an argument or discussion
  • ______ my friend got an A on his writing test!
    Fortunately, happily, thankfully
  • Therefore, hence, as a result
    show cause and effect or result
  • generally speaking, in general, overall
    generalize or discuss habits or customs
  • refer to common knowledge
    certainly, clearly, of course
  • First, I have to mix the batter. _____, I have to pour it into a pan.
    Second, next
  • ______ we are human. Everyone knows that.
    Of course
  • I think that this book is too long. ______, I can't lift it because it is too heavy.
    Also, In additon
  • Show personal attitude- positive
    fortunately, happily, thankfully