
Unit 1 Week 3 1st

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  • What animal would you like to train?
    I want to train a _______ to______.
  • Tell me about a companion that you have
    My companion is________.
  • How do you "pull" a door open?
    Show action
  • What does "groom" mean?
    When you groom an animal, you wash it and brush it's fur.
  • Say and spell the word "be"
    Be, b-e
  • What does " companion" mean?
    An animal or a person that keeps you company.
  • What animal do you think makes a "good" pet?
    A _______ makes a good pet because________.
  • Show how to "groom" a dog
    Shows action
  • What does "care" mean?
    To give the things it needs to stay happy and healthy.
  • Say and spell the word " Come"
    Come, c-o-m-e
  • What does "popular" mean?
    Many people enjoy it.
  • What is a popular game?
    A popular game is_________.
  • What does " train" mean?
    To teach a pet how to do new things.