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  • What is an adjective?
    An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. It "describes" or "modifies" a noun.
  • Which is the verb phrase in the following sentence: You may have heard of the youth workshops at the Wang Center.
    may have heard
  • identify if the main verb in the following sentence is transitive or intransitive:Arinna skipped grammar yesterday.
  • What is a preposition? Use your own words
    It's a word that shows relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. Prepostions are connecting words, they act like bridges.
  • Which are the adjectives in the following sentence: The small plane made several attempts to land safely.
    small, several
  • What is a verb phrase?
    A verbs phrase consists of the main verb and its helping verbs.
  • mention a adverb of degree
    Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough,  very, extremely.
  • mention an adverb of manner
  • True or false: An adverb of degree tells us the intensity or degree of an action.
  • Read this sentence, and identify if the verb is transitive or intransitve :They twinned the highway recently.
  • Which words are being modified by adjectives : The small plane made several attempts to land safely.
    plane, attempts.
  • read the sentence: That map of the world was brilliantly painted. which is the adverb?
  • mention a adverb of place
    here, there, outside, inside, somewhere
  • What is an intransitive verb?
    It's a verb that does not require an object to act upon.
  • When do you use either or?
    We use either -or to indicate that there are two possibilities/alternatives
  • mention an adverb of time
    today, tomorrow, yesterday, monthly, sometimes, usually, never.
  • When do you use neither nor?
    To deny 2 things
  • What is a transitive verb?
    It's a verb that requires an object to receive the action. 
  • Examples of interjections:
    wow, yikes, huh, ugh, aww, ewww, really, oops, meh.
  • examples of prepositions:
    before, from, between, inside, above, in, on, off, among.
  • mention the types of adverbs
    manner, degree, time, place
  • Identify if the main verb is transitive or intransitive : She was crying all day long
  • Types of conjunctions?
    correlative conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjuctions.,
  • neither- nor is a correlative conjuntion or a coordinating conjunction?
    correlative conjunction
  • Read the sentence and identify the type of adverb. Katy sings beautifully.
    beautifully: manner
  • Fanboys are correlative or coordinating conjunctions?
    coordinating conjunctions
  • Mention 5 adjectives
    green, dark, interesting, tall, beautiful
  • What is an interjection?
    An interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the emotion or feeling...
  • Tell me a sentence using a coordinating conjunction
    I like pizza, but I prefer salad.
  • True or false: An adverb of manner tells you how something happens.
  • What is a conjunction?
    These are words used to connect words, phrases, clauses.