
Sally’s phone

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  • What is Paul going to give his sister?
    He is going to give her some flowers.
  • Who picks up Sally’s bag?
    Paul does.
  • Who doesn’t like red?
    Andrew doesn't like red.
  • Why does Paul not know his phone number?
    Because he never calls his number.
  • Who are Sally and Andrew meeting for dinner?
    They are meeting Andrew's boss.
  • What do Paul and Sally need to do?
    They need to change phones.
  • Whose birthday is it?
    It is Paul's sister's birthday.
  • What can't Sally find?
    She can't find her phone.
  • What day is it in the story?
    It's Thursday.
  • What does Andrew want Sally to wear at the dinner?
    He wants her to wear her blue skirt.
  • Where is Sally meeting Andrew?
    She is meeting him at Bar Bogart.
  • What's the problem with Sally's outfit? Why can't she wear what Andrew wants her to wear?
    It's dirty.
  • Who does Paul phone first?
    He wants to call his mum but he phones Sally's mum.
  • What’s the name of Paul’s sister?
  • According to Sally's brother, How does Andrew treat Sally?
    He treats her badly. He is very bossy with her.
  • Where does Sally go for a coffee? What happens there?
    She goes to a cafe. Somebody accidentaly throws her bag on the floor.
  • Where does Sally work?
    She works in Manchester Street.
  • Who rings Sally early in the morning?
    Her boyfriend Andrew does.
  • Who is Andrew?
    He is Sally's boyfriend.
  • What does Paul look like?
    He is tall and blonde. He is nice.
  • How does Sally go to work?
    She goes by train.
  • What do we know about Andrew?
    He is Sally's boyfriend. He has got a lot of money and a beautiful and expensive car. He is too controlling.