
Past Simple

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  • jump in the past simple
  • make a sentence in the past simple
    I washed my head yesterday
  • Он был рыцарем
    He was a knight
  • Make a positive and a negative sentences in the past
    I washed the dishes two hours ago. I didn`t wash the dishes two hours ago.
  • Make a positive and negative sentences in the past
    I opened the door yesterday. I didn`t open the door yesterday.
  • Они были мужем и женой
    They were husband and wife
  • Make a negative sentence in the past
    I didn`t play guitar yesterday
  • make a sentence in the past simple
    I played volleyball last week
  • make a sentence in the past simple
    I jumped on the bed two hours ago
  • Мы были с моими друзьями
    We were with my friends
  • try in the past simple
  • Make a positive and negative sentences in the past
    I watched TV yesterday. I didn`t watch TV yesterday
  • cry in the past simple
  • Make a negative sentence in the past
    I didn`t wash my hands two hours ago
  • Make a negative sentence in the past
    i didn`t listen to music yesterday
  • Make a negative sentence in the past
    i didn`t go to school last week
  • Мне было 6 лет
    I was 6 years old
  • Make a positive and negative sentences in the past
    I helped my mom yesterday. I didn`t help my mom yesterday
  • make a sentence in the past simple
    I studied math yesterday
  • stop in the past simple