
EAPP Graded Recitation

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  • Give me ONE characteristic of a thesis statement
    Answers may vary.
  • Some of the reading materials especially those coming from the internet has no author. What will you do/include in your citation?
    In place of author, use the first word or the main topic (one to two words only) like it is the author.
  • How can the body show the essential details for an essay?
    Answer may vary.
  • What are the things that you need to remember when selecting which part to include in your summary?
    Answers may vary
  • What is critical reading? How can you say that you are reading a text critically?
    Answers may vary.
  • Explain Critical Reading for Analysis.
    Answers may vary.
  • When do we use the symbol "&" and "et al."?
    We use "&" if there are 2-5 authors, "et al." if there are 6 or more authors.
  • On what discipline does Philosophy fall?
  • This part of essay restates the thesis statement and wraps the entire essay.
  • Why does MLA style is most appropriate in Literature field?
    Answer may vary
  • How is critical reading different from regular reading?
    Answers may vary
  • How is skimming different from scanning?
    Answers may vary.
  • What parts of the text should be included in the summary?
    Answers may vary.
  • This is a part of essay where research and data are presented.
  • How can previewing helps in writing your summary?
    Answers may vary.
  • On what discipline does Psychology fall?
    Social Sciences
  • Categorize what discipline should the question fall under: Which methods of recycling can help cut down costs in the production of goods?
  • On what discipline does Mathematics fall?
    Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Categorize which discipline should the question fall under: What recyclable materials can best be used for sculpting?
  • What are the different kinds of Plagiarism?
    Verbatim/Word for word Plagiarism, Word Order Plagiarism, and Idea Plagiarism
  • What are the information included in an APA in-text citation style?
    Last name of Author, Date/Year of Publication, and Page number
  • Daniel wanted to study if the aesthetic appeal of its cover affected the sales of a particular novel. What two disciplines is he combining in his study?
  • It is the first kind of structure used in academic texts. It is also a collection of sentences dealing with a single theme, topic, or idea.
  • What does IMRaD stand for?
    Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion
  • It is a way to give credit to the authors, scientists, researchers, and the like whose creative and intellectual work you used to support or supplement your own research.
  • Why must the introduction set the tone of the essay?
    Answers may vary.
  • What are the different techniques that you can use in preparing to write a summary?
    Previewing, Skimming, and Scanning.
  • Why does the concept of CONTAINERS crucial in MLA?
    Answers may vary.
  • What is Paraphrasing?
    Answers may vary.
  • What can you do to strengthen your thesis statement?
    Answers may vary.
  • Categorize what discipline should the question fall under: How can recycling be promoted better in middle to lower class families?
  • What are the different kinds of paraphrasing/techniques in paraphrasing texts?
    Change of Parts of Speech, Change of Structure, Clause Reduction, Synonym Replacement
  • What is the difference between summarizing and paraphrasing?
    Answers may vary.
  • Explain Critical Reading for Interpretation.
    Answers may vary.
  • Categorize what discipline should the question fall under: Which recyclable materials can be used to create an emergency life vest?
  • Can you give an example of an Idea Plagiarism?
    Answers may vary.
  • What are the two types of outlines?
  • It is a part of essay that introduces the topic that will be discussed.
  • What will you do if the information from the source does not contain a page number?
    Answer may vary
  • What should you remember when using a TOPIC OUTLINE?
    Answers may vary.
  • Give an example of Word for word Plagiarism.
    Answers may vary
  • Explain Critical Reading for Evaluation
    Answers may vary.
  • What are the three major citation styles often used in academic writing?
    APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian
  • This is a reading strategy that readers use to have an overview of the text, recall prior knowledge and set a purpose for reading.
  • What does APA stand for?
    American Psychological Association
  • When do we paraphrase?
    Answers may vary.
  • What is a thesis statement?
    Answers may vary.
  • When Abby’s teacher typed in the first five words from her term paper on an internet search engine, she saw that Abby’s term paper was completely lifted from a website. What kind of plagiarism did Abby commit?
  • What does MLA stand for?
    Modern Language Association
  • What discipline should the question fall under?: How can social media be used to increase the efficiency of office workers?
  • Enumerate the parts/structure of a paragraph
    Topic Sentence, Supporting Sentence, Transitional Sentence, & Concluding Sentence
  • On what discipline does Chicago/Turabian style used?
    business, history, and fine arts, as well as in the physical, natural, and social sciences.
  • It is a reading technique wherein you look for specific details.
  • How can you avoid committing plagiarism?
    Answers may vary
  • What are the three steps involved  in the process of critical reading?
  • Why does the conclusion should not have the same thesis statement as the introduction?
    Answers may vary.