
B3 - CHECK UP 1, YLE 1 (84,85)

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  • The panda isn't the hippopotamus. (A. big, B. bigger, C. biggest)
    A. big
  • The giant Pacific octopus is 5 meters......
  • Does she like fishing?
    Yes, she likes it a lot.
  • Is he good at skateboarding?
    Yes, he's very good at it.
  • What does she like doing?
    She likes watching birds.
  • I'm not very good at ice-skating.
    Don't worry. I can help you
  • The spider crab..........19 kilograms.
  • What do you like doing?
    I like canoeing.
  • I'm not very good at snowboarding.
    I can help you
  • When you go to the beach, always put on.....
  • The hippopotamus weighs 1,500.......(A. centimeters, B. kilograms, C. meters)
    B. kilograms
  • Are you good at surfing?
    No, I'm not very good at it.
  • Which one would you like? (longest)
    I'd like the longest one, please.
  • When you go canoeing, always wear a....
    life jacket
  • The Komodo dragon is a very big.....
  • When you go snowboarding, always wear a.....
  • The hippopotamus is the.........animal. (A. strong, B. strongest, C. stronger)
    B. strongest
  • The elephant ........6,000 kilograms and is 4 meters tall. (A. weigh, B. weighed, C. weighs)
    C. weighs
  • Which one is the biggest?
    The hippopotamus is the biggest.
  • When you ride in a car, always......
    fasten your seatbelt
  • Which one would you like? (fastest)
    I'd like the fastest one, please.
  • The Goliath.....weighs 100 grams.