
Gold XP A2+ Unit 4 Future tenses + vocabulary

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  • to be going to / life skills
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • may / community
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • setlle down (arrangement)
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • business studies (timetable)
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • fancy / walk around
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • I'm seeing / develop a business plan
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • might not / make up one's mind
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • cross out (intention)
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • what about / make money
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • probably / competition
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • maybe / tell sb off
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • won't / take a chance
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • might / give sth a try
    Do you accept the sentence?
  • may / have a go
    Do you accept the sentence?