
GRADE 4 (Waste Materials)

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  • Why do we have to reuse things?
    Causes less pollution than recycling or making new products from virgin materials
  • How should we dispose leftover food?
  • These material can be defined as a type of material which cannot be broken down by natural organisms and serve as a source of pollution.
  • Give 3 examples of organic waste
  • What is Recycling?
    Making new useful things out of unwanted materials/wastes.
  • What is the cause of decay?
    decomposers like bacteria, fungi, worms, insects etc.
  • Give ways on how will you reuse materials at home
  • Give 2 ways of making wastes useful
  • What are the ways on recycling plastic bottles?
  • What should we do to the unwanted waste?
    Send them to Recycling factories
  • A material or substance can be defined as a material which can be decomposed easily by bacteria or any other natural organisms and not being the part of pollution is called?
    Biodegradable Materials
  • When do you consider a material as waste?
  • Why do we Reduce Waste?
    Less waste saves resources and money, reduces pollution, and helps the earth.
  • What is the most harmful effect of Nonbiodegradable Wastes?
  • How can you help solve waste problems in your community?
  • What is the cause of spoiled fruit or vegetables?
  • Give 3 examples of Nonbiodegradable Wastes
  • How to identify spoiled food?
  • What should we do to save energy?
    Conserve water and electricity, use recyclable materials
  • Give 3 example of Biodegradable wastes
  • Give ways on how to reduce waste?
  • What are the 3R techniques to practice zero waste management?
    Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  • What is composting?
    Composting is a natural process that breaks down organic materials into reusable resource. It improves soil.
  • What are the 3 classification of waste?
    unused, unwanted and spare