
The Enlightenment

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  • What was the Columbian Exchange or Triangle Trade?
    It was an exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere.
  • When monarchs increased the taxes of peasants and bourgeoisie, violent ___________ broke out during times of bad harvests.
  • Who won the French and Indian War?
    Britain and the Colonists
  • The Declaration of Independence builds on the democratic principles of "this" English document which limited the power of the sovereign.
    Magna Carta
  • What part of the Third Estate was most responsible for change in the economy?
    The bourgeoisie
  • ________ monarchy is when all the power was held by the King.
  • What country did Catherine the Great rule?
  • What event cause Britain to go into debt in the mid 1700's?
    The French and Indian War
  • The Spanish Succession War led to the beginning of what new Dynasty.
    The Bourbon Dynasty
  • He is best known for his work as the chief contributor and editor of the Encyclopedie
  • What governemntal legacy did Rousseau leave behind?
    Social contract, popular sovereignty
  • What was the first colony settled by the English?
    Jamestown, Virginia
  • An 18th century intellectual movement that emphasized science and reason as guides to help see the world more clearly.
    The Enlightenment
  • Why did European traders bring men and women from Africa?
    To do the hard work on planations
  • A ___________ monarchy is when the king's power was restricted and the country was governed by parliament.
    parliamentary or constitutional
  • What did the American Revolution inspire?
    The French Revolution
  • Name the three estates of the Ancien Regime.
    The clergy, the nobility, and the ordinary people (the third estate)
  • A settlement ruled by another country.
    A colony
  • What happened to Europe's population between 1650 and 1800?
    It doubled
  • The House of _________ represented the bourgeoisie.
  • What was the spark that led to the American Revolution?
  • God as the absent clockmaker who started things but does not participate in daily life of humans.
  • Fance became the main example of an absolute monarchy under King ____________.
    Louis XIV
  • What was the main economy of the Ancien Regime?
  • Who are people who study the past?
  • During the agriculture crisis in Spain, ____________ are people from a low social class who manage to survive by deceiving and cheating others.
  • What US Document game protection to rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press?
    Bill of Rights
  • The War of Spanish succession lasted from ___ to ___
    1700 to 1714
  • What governmental legacy did Montesquieu leave behind?
    Separation of Power, independant judicial system
  • Why did the Pilgrims come and settle?
    They were looking for religious freedom.
  • Which two countries led the way in exploration and expanding their empires?
    Spain and Portugal
  • The expulsion of the ________ in 1609 had a very negative effect on Spain's agriculture.
  • A person who studies artifacts and sites to learn about ancient people.
  • A person who is ____________ is not free.
  • The __________ formed the majority of the population, whose situation was very precarious in society.
  • What legacy did Voltaire leave behind?
    Freedom of Speech, limited monarchy, tolerance
  • Traditional production methods were replaced by...
    manufacturers and the "domestic system".
  • A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
  • This is the term for "rights to life, liberty, and property"
    Natural Rights
  • In the 17th century, the route to the Americas was constantly under threat from ________ and smugglers.
  • What role did the invention of the Printing press play in the Enlightenment?
    mass printing = more people reading = more people thinking
  • Why did colonists resist being taxed? (HINT: Taxation without __________)
    Their voices were not represented/no seat in Parliament
  • In terms of the Enlightenment, what is a salon?
    A social gathering to discuss Enlightenment ideas.
  • What were Columbus and other explorers looking for when they happened upon the Americas?
    A route to Asia
  • What is a belief or custom handed down through generations?