
Reading Fluency

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  • Prosody
    The ability to read text orally using appropriate phrasing, intonation, and attention to punctuation
  • Read Alouds
    Models expressive reading for students while explaining how tone inflection, or stance can be used to understand the ideas the author is attempting to convey
  • Whole Class Choral Reading (WCCR)
    Teacher and class read a piece of text at the same time
  • Fluency Development Lesson (FDL)
    Students chorally read passages of 50–150 words in length and designed for primary level students
  • Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction (FORI)
    recommends the use of grade level, or “heavy passages,” For oral reading as opposed to the use of instructional or independent-level passages
  • Graphophonemic Strategies
    Involve looking at the letters in words by breaking a word into parts or matching letters and letter combinations with the sounds they make
  • Guided Reading
    A teaching approach designed to help learners build an effective system for reading a variety of increasingly challenging text over time
  • Median score
    Words read correctly per minute
  • Fluency
    A measure of accuracy
  • Reading Fluency
    The ability to read text accurately, quickly, and with expression
  • Round Robin
    In this method, all students in the class read aloud from the same book, regardless of their reading levels
  • Partner Reading
    Cooperative learning strategy in which two students work together to read an asssigned text
  • Assistive Technology (AT)
    Via-ble supplement to alternative approaches
  • Syntactic Strategies
    Involves figuring out whether the word sounds right in the sentence, as if someone were talking.
  • Semantic Strategies
    Focuses on whether or not a word makes sense in a sentence
  • Wide Reading
    Reading text only once, either silently or orally