
Early school leaving prevention

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  • Using a growth mindset will praise the process, not the person. True or false?
    True. A growth mindest praises the effort!
  • Can you explain in your own words the meaning of empathy?
    Good catch!
  • Sara used 2 papers to create the Mysterious Structure Challenge. True or false?
    Faaalse! ;)
  • What conflict management style is represented by the Shark?
  • How can we address a student who always interrupts you?
    Good catch!
  • What conflict management style is represented by the Turtle?
  • What conflict management style is represented by the Teddy Bear?
  • What are the main characteristics of active listening?
    Good catch!
  • Using a fixed mindset will encourage face to a struggle. True or false?
    False. Fixed mindset usually normalize a struggle ("You can't do anything about that!"). Use a growth mindset to encourage face to a struggle.
  • Name one of the Goleman's pillars of Socio emotional intellignence.
    Self-awareness, Self-control, Self-motivation, Empathy, Social skills
  • How do geese suggest leadership to be like in a team?
    Geese suggest that leadership is shared inside a team!
  • It's better to act like a shark if you care about relationships
    Noooo! Acting like a sharks makes you focus on the objective and not on the relationship
  • An active listener thinks about how to reply while the other is speaking. True or false?
    Faalse! That's passive listening.