
Living Things

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  • What are systems made up of? Give 3 examples.
    Organs working together to perform a similar function. Examples include the circulatory system, the digestive system and the nervous system.
  • Give 2 examples of organisms which belong to the protist kingdom.
    Algae, amoeba.
  • Give 5 examples of specialised cells.
    Red blood cells, white blood cells, nerve cells, root hair cells, leaf cells.
  • How to plants take in nutrients from their environment?
    They produce their own food through photosynthesis.
  • What do decomposers feed on? Give two examples of decomposers.
    Fungi and bacteria feed on the remains of dead plants and animals.
  • What are the 5 kinddoms that all living things are classified into?
    Monera, Protist, Fungus, Plant, Animal.
  • What do cell walls do?
    Protect the cell.
  • How to animals take in nutrients from their environment?
    Feeding on other living things.
  • What do white blood cells do?
    Protect the body from bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders.
  • What is cytoplasm?
    A jelly-like substance that fills the cell where chemical reactions happen.
  • What does the nucleus of a cell do?
    It controls the functions of the cell such as reproduction.
  • What are the 2 main types of reproduction and how are they different?
    Asexual reproduction occurs when only one organism is required. Sexual reproduction involves two animals of the same species; a male and a female.
  • What do nerve cells do?
    Carry information from the brain to other parts of the body.
  • What 2 things do plant cells have which animal cells don't?
    Cell walls and chloroplasts.
  • What do red blood cells do? Why are they red?
    Carry oxyen around the body. They are red because they contain hemoglobin, a bright red protein that contains iron.
  • What does the cell membrane do?
    It controls the substances that enter and leave the cell.
  • What do vacuoles do?
    Contain water and minerals which the organism needs in order to grow.
  • What are tissues made up of? Give 2 examples of tissues.
    Cells with similar stuctures and functions. Examples include muscle tissue and xylem.
  • What do chloroplasts do?
    Contain cholophyll which is needed for photosynthesis.
  • During photosynthesis what gases are absorbed and released by plants?
    Oxygen is released and carbon dioxide is absorbed.
  • What are the 3 life processes which all living things perform?
    Nutrition, reproduction and interaction.
  • What do leaf cells do?
    Absorb sunlight so photosynthesis can take place.
  • What do root hair cells do?
    Absorb water and minerals from the soil.
  • What do organs do? Give 2 examples of animal organs and 2 examples of plant organs.
    Organs work together to carry out a particular function. Examples: heart, lungs, stomach, brain (animal) roots, leaves (plant).
  • What is interaction?
    When living things react to changes in their environment (stimuli).