
Family and friends 1 vocabulary

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  • What is it?
    It is fish
  • What animal is it?
    It is giraffe
  • Take off your coat/Put on your coat
    Take off your coat
  • What animal is it?
    It is parrot
  • What is it?
    It is yogurt
  • What shape is it?
    It is diamond
  • I have got a pencil/I haven't got a pencil
    I haven't got a pencil
  • What shape is it?
    It is circle
  • Put on your shoes/Take of your shoes
    Take off your shoes
  • What color/lenght hair does he have?
    He have got blonde/short hair.
  • What is it?
    It is bread
  • I have got a pencil case/I haven't got a pencil case
    I have got a pencil case
  • I have got a ruler/I haven't got a ruler
    I have got a ruler
  • What is it ?
    It is lunchbox
  • Put on your t-shirt/Take off your t-shirt
    Put on your t-shirt
  • What color/lenght hair does she have?
    She have got brown/short/curly hair
  • What drink is it?
    It is orange juice
  • What is it?
    It is grape
  • What is it?
    It is pear
  • I have got a pencil/I haven't got a pencil
    I have got a pencil
  • Is this t-shirt big or small?
    This t-shirt is big
  • Is this building long or short?
    This building is long