
Ch.7 Test

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  • The most important legislation passed by the Confederation Congress was about what?
    the northwestern territories
  • What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
    to revise the Articles of Confederation
  • What is the type of government that was created by the Constitution?
    a republic
  • What is the "supreme law of the land"?
    the Constitution
  • What was written to persuade state to ratify the Constitution?
    The Federalists Papers
  • What is the freedom to stockpile goods temporarily at foreign location?
    right of deposit
  • What system did the Constitution devise to elect a President?
    the electoral college
  • What were the guarantees of freedom that were added to the Constitution?
    Bill of Rights
  • What city and building was the new Constitution written in?
    Independence Hall in Philadelphia
  • What ordinance showed how to add a state to the Union?
    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
  • What is the first paragraph of the Constitution?
    the Preamble
  • What is the giving of formal approval to certain documents?
  • What was the name of those who opposed the Constitution?
  • What was one important power the Confederation Congress did NOT have?
    power to tax
  • What rebellion grew out of discontent with heavy taxes?
    Shays's Rebellion
  • What is the function of the judicial branch?
    to interpret the laws
  • What compromise settled the issue of counting slaves for representation?
    The Three-Fifths Compromise
  • What state did not send a representative to the Constitutional Convention?
    Rhode Island
  • What is a section of land six miles square?
  • What was the name of those who favored the Constitution?
  • What ordinance organized western land sales?
    The Northwest Ordinance of 1785
  • What state was slow to ratify the Articles of Confederation?
  • What governed the colonies during the War for Independence?
    The Continental Congress
  • What is a count of the population?
  • What ordinance outlawed slavery in the western territories?
    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
  • Who was the chairman of the Constitution?
    George Washington
  • What is the term for the right to vote?
  • Who was sent to make a treaty with Spain about the right of deposit?
    John Jay
  • What compromise came from the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?
    The Great Compromise
  • What was the one branch of government created by the Articles of Confederation?
    the legislative branch
  • What is a charge on imported goods?
  • In the Confederation, who had more power? States or national government?